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Did you have pets as a child?


    Did you have pets as a child?

    My parents brought home my first cat, a ginger male kitten, when I was 3 years old. There started a life long love affair with these creatures. They genuinely do my heart good. I feel good just to see them, touch them, and be with them.
    Ok, maybe not so much when clearing up their vomit, hoovering too frequently because of cat hair, and vying for sofa space with them all I wouldn't be without them though.

    Throughout my life at home with mum and dad we had a cat, sometimes 2. For the first year or 2 of married life we were unable to have any pets. Once we bought our own home, in came 2 kittens I have never had less than 2 cats since.

    As a child once I was old enough to look after them myself, I had small pets in addition to the cats. Guinea pigs and mice. I loved them, but it was sad losing them as they don't have long lives.

    Did you grow up with pets, and do you have them now?
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Oh yes, we had cats mainly, lots of them and all dearly loved. We also had a couple of lovely dogs. There were two budgerigars Bill and his partner and I can't remember her name!

    Our lovely cat passed on after 18 years of refusing to eat anything but cooked coley, cooked chicken and cooked turkey plus biscuits, Cor ! What a time that was. He was a rescue cat so was 21 when he finally shuffled off. So no pets right now, but we would love another cat one day. My DD has a gorgeous cat, a tabby with the most striking markings. He swears at the birds.

    The only thing I don't like about cats is their hunting of birds whom I love equally. Perhaps we should get a parrot, or even better a Cockatoo. Adore them
    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


      Yes my first cat was called Tiger she was beautiful , we had several as I was growing up I still love cats but hubby doesn't like them strangely my oldest sister can't stand them either but we grew up with them .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Before I was born, the family had a dog called Flossie.After she died, no more pets were allowed.

        In the early 70s, we got a kitten for the kids, they named her Lucy,and we had her for 18½ years.After she died ,we didn't get anything else.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          For most of my childhood I had dogs. All lovely, and all very well loved. I also had a budgie and a roller canary, but dogs were always my first and best love. We had a short break when our sons were very young, but when DS2 was 6 we got a puppy and haven't been without a dog since.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            You name it, we had it. Dog, cat, chickens (tame), guineapigs, real pigs (a short stay😄) rabbits until the neighbour's dog killed them, pigeons and on and on. In this family we have always had dogs, cats, fancy rats, gerbils, mice, guineapigs rabbits, chickens, a horse, but kept elsewhere. DD1 continues with 2 dogs and a cat and 2 horses. DD2 has a cat rescued from DD1s stable yard. All have been at least second hand. Absolutely no need to pay big money for a designer animal when so many need rescuing. Not sure we'll have any more when our elderly dog and cat go though, but I wouldn't put money on it.....
            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
            Eleanor Roosevelt.


              I had a tortoise for years, wanted a monkey but had that instead. We always had a dog and cat. I did have 2 rabbits but a fox got them.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                When I was young I remember mum taking in the occasional stray dog. One escaped & poor old Dad went running after it down the lane. It's the only time I saw Dad red faced & angry when he got back. He turned round showing a rip in his trouser under arm. His temper wasn't soothed by mum bursting into fits of laughter either. Of course as children we joined in the laughter. I've loved dogs since. 😍
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Dad brought home a stray Border Collie who we called Scamp when I was about 6/7 he worked on the docks and found him wandering about The Port,so began my love affair with animals,we have fostered every make or shape of dog you can imagine some for 4 weeks some stayed forever and slotted into our lifestyle,we have had house moves put back to accommodate the arrival of puppies,the passion has rubbed off on my DCs specially my DS1 who when he had his paper round as a boy used to bring home dogs he claimed he had "found" on his round when sometimes all the poor dog was doing was going for a wander near its home we have had rabbits/hamsters/guinea pigs and pot bellied pig called Juicey Lucy who made herself at home in my kitchen,if we ever won The Lottery a small holding would be top of the list I think,all my DGCs have grown up surrounded by animals and it teaches them compassion and respect for our four legged friends.
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    Glam - what a lovely, warm-hearted family. There's something very special about a house with pets.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      My Dad was for ever bringing home odd animals , opening the door of the sitting room and coming face to face with a Kid was nothing compared to the Cockerel . I think the Cockerel was destined for the pot actually , but someone forgot to clip its wings . I remembering buying day old chickens in the market , they never got the chance to grow up , I think Mum found a better home . We had white rabbits during the war ............. see cockerel above for their destination . Whole fish were to be found in the scullery sink , even an eel squirmed out one day . A donkey who kicked stayed for a while , no one was brave enough to try riding him ........... then there was the piebald dog , funny but not fond of children . After I was married I was given a kitten ......... made me sneeze , he went walkies when I was at work . My sister got me to mind her dogs , one was very cross , he and the vet met up and he came back minus his "bits" and he was still cross ............ no pets since


                        We had a cat called Mickey and a dog called Topsy that my Mum saw as a puppy in a pet shop window.
                        I was also given a guinea pig as a present (I presume with my Mum's permission )as a thank-you for looking after a neighbour's guinea pigs when they were on holiday. The twist was,unbeknown to us, the GP was pregnant and one morning I opened the hutch to find three tiny babies in the straw! Luckily they were two boys and one girl so the boys happily shared one hutch and the girls another.


                          It's lovely to read all these stories of pets

                          I totally agree with Glamma, children brought up with pets do learn to care for and have compassions for not only animals, but also others in general.
                          I feel a bit sorry for my GS as his daddy is allergic, so no pets. He loves our 3 cats to bits though so he has them at least.
                          My other 2 DDs each have a cat, and DD2 also has chickens, well only one atm due to a fox
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            If my DD had her way she would have dozens of cats, dogs, rabbits ,anything with fur in fact . She has from the day she moved into her first house always had at least 3 cats . For a few years when she went on holiday we had 3 cats 2 rabbits 1 guineapig a hamster and 2 goldfish to look after all but the cats came to stay with us for two weeks ,i would go to her house morning and night to spend a hour with the cats and then come home to see to the others. My DS on the other hand isnt a pet lover at all , he likes to pet them and see them but doesnt want one of his own
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, my oldest daughter is like that. She likes animals but hasn't inherited the deep love of them and need for pets that my other 2 have. It is fortunate that she is the daughter married to the one with allergies!!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

