I mentioned in Chat that we had had a day out visiting friends in Somerset yesterday. They are always very kind about us taking Eva, and make a huge fuss of her.
So off we set about 9.30, also giving a lift to the other couple who were going - we've all known each other for many years.
Rural Somerset is very rural, and we ended up having to take a diversion and found ourselves driving down very narrow lanes where even a bike couldn't have passed us. We were quite relieved to get there, but as always our friends gave us a warm welcome. Eva made a big fuss of them both - which they returned in equal measure! While we sat down for a coffee, Eva went off to explore the garden, exchange sniffs with a neighbouring dog and generally making herself at home - she's been several times before.
Then, she spotted it!!! It was slowly making its way up from the bottom of the garden, meandering first this way and then that, totally ignoring Eva, who by then was torn between curiosity and uncertainty. It didn't seem to have any purpose to the progress up the garden - going first one way then the other and even turning round and going away from her at times.
I so wish I'd videoed her reactions. She wagged her tail at it. She approached cautiously, retreated quickly when it turned round, then approached again. Gradually she got closer, but always ready to leap back if it looked dangerous. She tried a couple of play bows to initiate play, but was met with no reaction.
This 'dance' went on for about 15 minutes before she finally got close enough to sniff at it. She jumped back after each little sniff, first at the front and later at the back. She was clearly puzzled but fascinated.
She finally realised it wasn't going to play in the way she hoped, but she was very happy to be around it and was clearly enjoying the novelty.
"Herbie" finally had enough and went and parked itself in its special place in the garden, and Eva came back to join us.
You may have guessed by now that Herbie is a robotic lawn mower!!!

We had a delicious lunch, and by then the weather had brightened up and we were able to sit outside and enjoy the view across beautiful countryside.
We got home about 9.15 after a long detour for yet another road closure.
So off we set about 9.30, also giving a lift to the other couple who were going - we've all known each other for many years.
Rural Somerset is very rural, and we ended up having to take a diversion and found ourselves driving down very narrow lanes where even a bike couldn't have passed us. We were quite relieved to get there, but as always our friends gave us a warm welcome. Eva made a big fuss of them both - which they returned in equal measure! While we sat down for a coffee, Eva went off to explore the garden, exchange sniffs with a neighbouring dog and generally making herself at home - she's been several times before.
Then, she spotted it!!! It was slowly making its way up from the bottom of the garden, meandering first this way and then that, totally ignoring Eva, who by then was torn between curiosity and uncertainty. It didn't seem to have any purpose to the progress up the garden - going first one way then the other and even turning round and going away from her at times.
I so wish I'd videoed her reactions. She wagged her tail at it. She approached cautiously, retreated quickly when it turned round, then approached again. Gradually she got closer, but always ready to leap back if it looked dangerous. She tried a couple of play bows to initiate play, but was met with no reaction.
This 'dance' went on for about 15 minutes before she finally got close enough to sniff at it. She jumped back after each little sniff, first at the front and later at the back. She was clearly puzzled but fascinated.
She finally realised it wasn't going to play in the way she hoped, but she was very happy to be around it and was clearly enjoying the novelty.
"Herbie" finally had enough and went and parked itself in its special place in the garden, and Eva came back to join us.
You may have guessed by now that Herbie is a robotic lawn mower!!!

We had a delicious lunch, and by then the weather had brightened up and we were able to sit outside and enjoy the view across beautiful countryside.
We got home about 9.15 after a long detour for yet another road closure.