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Black cat


    Black cat

    A couple of months ago our cat Coco came rushing in yowling, with fur high and tail six times its usual size. Our friend and neighbours cat, Miles, had to go to the vet which cost ££££ to have a wound on his tail stitched up and wear a collar for ages. He, Miles, often comes in to play with Coco.

    He’s sprayed on the mat near the front door (the smell is awful - help needed Oma) and Coco started to do poos in corners.

    We’ve had to dig out the old litter box from when she was a kitten and escort her every time she wants to go out and play in the garden.

    Black cat is new. We can’t find out where he lives - over the back somewhere we think - and he’s terrorising all the well behaved cats in our road. OH has bought a water pistol and when we spot him in the garden we try to squirt him but haven’t succeeded yet, he’s much too fast.

    So, any ideas about A removing the cat wee smell and B deterring Black Cat. Please.

    Oh Sum1, invading 'bad cats' are a pain.

    OH's cat had to become a house cat with litter tray etc when one such cat attacked her every time she went outside. OH lived alone and worked full time then so wasn't around to protect her much so she didn't even dare have the cat door unlocked.

    We have one in our neighbourhood now who other cat owners hate as he attacks all the other cats. My OH is a firm believer in the big long distance water pistol, so if yours is an ordinary one you will have more chance with one of those Sum!

    I don't really have any answers for deterring apart from the water pistol and banging on the window as soon as you spot it in the garden.

    We had the weeing problem with one of our female cats as she got older, we tried all sorts and I think OH ordered something online which did work in the end. I will ask if she remembers what it was.
    Hopefully others will have useful suggestions.

    Poor Coco
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oh dear poor Coco, I think one of those large water guns that my GC have might help.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Thank you. I will look on line. Trouble is, you have to be quick and a good shot…


          Originally posted by Sum1Ls View Post
          Thank you. I will look on line. Trouble is, you have to be quick and a good shot…
          ..and you feel a bit like Rambo
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Where’s Oma with her A***** housekeeping skills?


              good old hot water and washing powder , it neutralises the smell and hopefully if they can’t smell it they won’t go back there ,
              Dont use anything with ammonia in , people think they will get rid with the smell of bleach or Dettol but both will dry with that smell that attracts them back

              You could sprinkle Bicarb over the area too ,

              Male cat wee is very strong isn’t it , we have a big Ginger Tom that sprays up our wall because next door has female cats so a bucket of hot soapy water is often thrown at the wall 😁

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Thank you Oma. I’ll get the scrubbing brush out now! I tried bleach but should have asked you first.


                  I’m only going on what I have tried Sum1 , I’m sure someone else can give a better solution 😁
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Its awful that this black cat is terrorising the other cats.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      When the neighbours cat was in here and weed on my rug I tried everything I could think of! I never got rid of the smell so it went. Good luck, friends had the same problem a few years ago, their cat had to "hide" on a night as the menace cat would get in through the cat hatch! In the end it had to be closed to keep him out.


                        Sum1, poor little Coco. I've no experience with cats, but my DIL1's cat had a spell recently when she was coming home after clearly being in a fight. Fortunately no serious injuries, but she (the cat) was agitated. They kept her in for a few nights and then everything seemed to calm down again and the 'warring' cat disappeared.

                        It sounds as though you need a large water cannon to deter this bad boy, but I can see how hard it would be to catch the invader.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)

