As you may remember we have a hedgehog living in our garden, sometime two. We named ours Hermione. she has always been big so in actuality She may well be a He, but 'she's Hermione to us 
We have two wooden boxes for hibernating, and sleeping in in summer if they choose. Also a hedgehog diner (plastic crate with door cut in with food dishes inside)
This hedgehog, definitely female, is named Holly, by the lady who found her.
A golf friend of OH found her in her garden in the daytime not well last year. She knew we knew Fiona, who runs Urchins Hedgehogs so OH went to collect her (I was out that day) and took her to Fiona. She was a young female with a lot of internal parasites etc, as most poorly ones seem to have. She seemed to recover after few weeks and went to foster care, with a view to be returned to the wild. However she was soon back with Fiona, poorly again.
She was there a long time unwell and kept losing weight. It came to the point where Fiona had booked a vets appointment for her to be put down the following day, when she suddenly gained a lot of weight overnight and has gradually improved ever since!
We knew she would be ready this weekend. If possible they are returned to where they are found. The lady who found her hasn't any nesting box or other facilities and when they have been poorly it's better they have things on tap for them. So we offered to have her. OH collected her this morning (I was out again!) and we put her into the box with lots of fresh hay this afternoon. She was fast asleep. We are to leave her in there with fresh hay and a little food, with the door blocked until dark. Then we can unblock the door. She is then free to explore the garden, find food and water and return to her box when she chooses. We will set the wildlife camera and see if there
is any action during the night!

We have two wooden boxes for hibernating, and sleeping in in summer if they choose. Also a hedgehog diner (plastic crate with door cut in with food dishes inside)
This hedgehog, definitely female, is named Holly, by the lady who found her.
A golf friend of OH found her in her garden in the daytime not well last year. She knew we knew Fiona, who runs Urchins Hedgehogs so OH went to collect her (I was out that day) and took her to Fiona. She was a young female with a lot of internal parasites etc, as most poorly ones seem to have. She seemed to recover after few weeks and went to foster care, with a view to be returned to the wild. However she was soon back with Fiona, poorly again.
She was there a long time unwell and kept losing weight. It came to the point where Fiona had booked a vets appointment for her to be put down the following day, when she suddenly gained a lot of weight overnight and has gradually improved ever since!
We knew she would be ready this weekend. If possible they are returned to where they are found. The lady who found her hasn't any nesting box or other facilities and when they have been poorly it's better they have things on tap for them. So we offered to have her. OH collected her this morning (I was out again!) and we put her into the box with lots of fresh hay this afternoon. She was fast asleep. We are to leave her in there with fresh hay and a little food, with the door blocked until dark. Then we can unblock the door. She is then free to explore the garden, find food and water and return to her box when she chooses. We will set the wildlife camera and see if there
is any action during the night!