

Happy birthday

to Granny Jules!
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Please don't judge me!


    How are you today Libra? You must be exhausted with all the emotional turmoil. 😊
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      I had a long telephone conversation with one of the Admin from Sprocker Assist tonight.She basically wanted all the info on Bramble which we discussed at length,she did say she couldn't see what more I could do than I have done.But this fantastic group specialises in only sprockers and he will be fostered to undergo a long assessment with a behaviourist and eventually with luck be re homed with someone who can cope with his funny ways.She did agree the most important first 2 formative years were badly handled by his previous Owner and the vital stages of development and their urge to please was not put into practice and how hard it is with older dogs to get over these hurdles.I wait now with heavy heart to hear from the big chief at SA who knows everything there is to know about this breed to contact me sometime tomorrow.
      Last edited by Libra Gran; 09-06-2015, 08:01 PM.
      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


        It sounds as if you have found a good solution. Sad, but it's what's best.

        Funny how dogs and children need much the same upbringing in their early years, isn't it?


          That does sound good for him and for you
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Would have been a huge responsibility for the person looking after him. Very brave to make this tough decision but you are doing it for all the right reasons.

            The dog we had during my childhood was a wanderer and would vanish sometimes for days on end but always returned, often with a police officer in tow! He would whine at the gate and people would actually let him out thinking he was trapped. Different times with a lot less traffic.


              I dont think you have failed I think you have been a hero not everybody will take dogs on with problems you have tried your best but this is bound to happen again you cant live a life of locking gates thinking all the time did I do this did I do that its hard work I should imagine and not pleasurable sending hugs to you


                Looks like my fur boy is going to be fostered in Burford Wiltshire until he has gone through a rigorous assessment. I must not back track ,but feeling awful.
                "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                  LG, you tried your very best and sadly it didn't work. Of course you'll miss him, but think of the heartache if he'd got out when you weren't around and he'd gone missing or even worse. Think of all the positive things you did for/with him and how his behaviour had improved with you. You're a good person thinking of him rather than yourself. It will get easier and the feeling of guilt will go away.x
                  Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                  Theodore Roosevelt.


                    Well that's sort of good news Libra I hope


                      Libra - I feel for you. It's hard to take this step, but in your heart you know it's the best thing for Bramble. Well done for having the courage to face up to it and act in his best interests, despite your own feelings. If he was physically ill you wouldn't hesitate to get veterinary treatment for him, would you. This is exactly the same thing - you're getting him the help he needs. xx
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        So why do I feel I have failed with him,same when Charley bit Taren I just had to let him go. My Menna is being told by Mummy and will come tonight to say her goodbyes,this will be so hard.
                        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

