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Very Naughty Storm


    Very Naughty Storm

    Storm is in the dog house with us ,
    This morning SIL was putting him in the van when Storm decided to jump back out and do a runner ,

    He took off before SIL could react ,

    SIL went to the park where he usually walks him and DD went the other way where she walks him but no sign .

    DD came back home and got the car and drove around ,
    30 minutes and 1 mile away she saw him trotting down a cut between some houses .

    She got out of the car and followed him calling him and he totally ignored her ,
    She finally caught up with him and just calmly walked beside him till she could grab him by his scruff and put his lead on .

    She was so angry with him and he knew
    Trouble is he has no road sense and must have crossed at least 3 roads to get where he was .

    When she brought him over he was very quiet and sheepish ,
    DD said she had really told him off and he didn't get his goodbye kiss when she left him

    He has no recall , Husky's will just keep going you can't let them of the lead because of this .

    It makes you feel sick what could have happened

    Thing is he knows he is in trouble his tail is down and he is a bit miserable ,

    I have relented and gave him some treats , and got a good tail wag ,
    He is now asleep on my feet rather than his bed
    You can only stay cross for a little while he only has to look at us sad and that's it , hearts melt

    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Naughty Storm!

    Doggo used to escape whenever he could. The first time he came to us he took off over the ditch at the bottom of the garden. We all scattered in our jammies to try and find him. One of our neighbours managed to catch him, but after that he was on a long lead when he went in the garden. Now we have the ditch filled and a fence he can't escape and he loves exploring in all the corners. He has no road sense either!!
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      Oh dear Oma, a bit like the escapade with GD2 and her friends the other week! It was good that your GD2 managed to catch up with him, who knows where he would have ended up!


        Its the scare they give you ,
        What if he had gotten onto the road in traffic or was attacked or stolen even

        We all would be heart broken
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          I don't blame your DD being cross with him Oma!

          Thank goodness he was caught up with and all was well.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Oma - That's awful. It's my worst nightmare with Eva. She's got no road sense either, and suffers from selective deafness if she doesn't want to come to you. Thank goodness they found him safe and sound. It makes you wonder what gets into them sometimes!

            DS2 got us an Apple Airtag for Eva's collar. It means if she goes AWOL we can see where she's gone via my phone. I hope we never need to use it, but I'm glad we've got it. It weighs next to nothing and I got a holder for it so that it threads on to her collar so it doesn't jingle about. I don't know where DS2 got it from but here's a link to it from John Lewis. I would think there'd be options for Android phones as well.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              He has one Daisy but typical it wasn't charged today ,
              DD didn't bother as he was just in and out of the van and would be in ours all day

              He has been quiet all day and looks a bit stiff walking ,
              I think he may have strained a muscle running or jumping while he was out .
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Naughty Storm. But pleased he didn't come to any harm.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  He was a naughty dog, so pleased he was safe and sound. He could have been picked up by these dog stealers, if they could catch him. Not surprised he is tired but pleased he had some treats.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Oma - it was unlucky Storm's Airtag wasn't charged. I think the batteries last about a year, so I'm now thinking I must set up a reminder to put a new battery in Eva's before it runs out.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Storms is a recharge one Daisy has to be done every few month , must be different to Eva's
                      We can track him on the phone but if the battery runs down its just a beep in the general direction ,
                      Of course that depends on it being on his collar , it wasn't when he took off as DD had taken it off
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        It's difficult isn't it, Oma. You think "well, they're only in the house/car, they'll be alright" but then something like that happens. We've decided to always leave the Tag on Eva's collar unless she's playing with Cooper when we take their collars off all together in case they catch their claws. I always hook Eva's harness to a lead fixed in the car in case she jumps out. She generally waits to be told she can get out, but if she saw a small furry, or something irresistible she'd forget! But you can't plan for random things like Storm running off the other day.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)

