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Pigeon rescue attempt


    Pigeon rescue attempt

    Pigeons sometimes nest in the tree in our front garden, and they are always around at the back, trying to get all the bird food.
    For the past couple of of days OH had noticed a smallish one sitting about in the front, in and near the tree. This morning it just sat below the tree, on top of the five foot hedge between our front garden and next doors, looking sorry for itself.
    OH is not the biggest pigeon fan, but neither of us ever want to see any creature suffer. She managed to find the contact details for the local pigeon rescue centre. They suggested catching it and sending a photo!

    By the time OH got in contact with them the pigeon had got down from the hedge and gone under a car on the drive on next door but one.
    OH knocked for our lovely next door neighbour C (young guy, early 30's, if that) they went to the other neighbours and together they caught it and got it into a cardboard box. They then brought it into our garage for it to rest in the cat carrier until we got help for it.
    Then it died. OH placed it gently in the carrier, and it died straight away.

    The pigeon recue said it must have been very ill to have died. She said they don't die from being caught and rescued if they are healthy.
    Poor thing. At least it isn't suffering and we had a big rain storm a while ago which it would have been horrible for it to have been stuck out in not feeling well.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Poor bird , If they get a respiratory infection they go down very quickly , that may have been the cause
    As you say at least it isn't suffering now , At least you tried to save it xx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Gem - it's upsetting when you try to help a wild creature but it still dies. As the rescue centre says it must have been very poorly, and if it was small perhaps it was one of this year's fledglings who failed to thrive. Everyone did their best and you can do no more than that.

      My DS2 and DIL had a pigeon in their garden who couldn't fly properly - one wing was damaged. They rang a rescue place who said they'd come round the following morning (it was already evening). They tried to make a shelter for it with a cardboard box with dried grasses etc in and left out some bird food and water. It was still there the next morning but the rescue place came and collected it. It had damaged and lost some flight wings and they would regrow. So they just needed to look after it until the new feathers came back.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Gem, at least OH tried to help the pigeon,but sadly it wasn't to be.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

