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Cats, dogs, or both?!


    Cats, dogs, or both?!

    I love animals, but cats are my number one favourite.
    I am fond of the dogs of friends, but have never had one of my own. Two of my three daughters have cats also. The other has no pets as her husband is allergic, but probably would have a cat.

    I have had at least one cat in my life for most of the time since I was 3. Apart from term time when I was at college for 2 years (then I sought out friendly cats in the street ) then for most of 1976, when we lived with my in-laws for a few weeks, and then we lived the whole summer in a caravan in Sussex... a whole story in itself for, another time

    Now we have 4. My OH and I finally moved in together 4 years ago I had 3 cats she 1, so we became a 4 cat family 4 is a lot, we would prefer 2, but we love them to bits!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    I love all Animals im not keen on little dogs that's only as my neighbours have two yorkies that bite your feet whenever they can get to you , not the dogs fault I know just bad owners who haven't done anything about this nasty habit , I love cats and birds OH not keen on any of the Rodent family and doesn't like cats but loves Rabbits
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I love dogs,have owned many over the ears.Our current is a sprocker spaniel.Mum was a springer and Dad a cocker.He's as mad as a box of frogs and has plenty of springer in him.He's a bit like a tigger.But he is gentle,loving and great with kids. This is the boy in his summer bonnet lol
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      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


        ..and very cute he looks Libra Gran
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          He is a star LG...I must put a photo up of my daughter and SIL's Red setter, she is very beautiful and such a loving dog.
          run by Grandmothers for Grandmothers


            I am afraid of dogs to be honest, I wouldn't see any harm come to them though. I am really a cat person but now sadly we no longer have a cat as he went to pushy cat heaven nearly two years ago when he was almost 24. we had five cats at one point but in those days we had a big house. they all lived to a very old age. I don't like rodents or snakes and I am petrified of spiders so my worst nightmare would be to walk into a room where there are spiders in cages!
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              All of my cats have tended to be very good at catching any spiders they came across Zizi so perhaps it would be good to keep a spider hunting cat in your home. Just a suggestion
              Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
              Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                We love both and have always had both up until now this is the first time in many years we do not have a cat in residence,only because we live on 1st floor and any pussy would have difficulty gaining entrance to our home we only have a front door and it would be unsafe to fit one there,when DSs where younger specially DS1 he would bring dogs and cats home from his travels when delivering papers (sometimes before they where lost) he was a kind of Pied Piper of
                the area,we also fostered dogs for many years all shapes and sizes arrived,some stayed most found for-ever homes once they had been accessed,we have homed pot bellied pigs/hamsters/rabbits/oh and grass snakes where popular once
                with DS2,Our bassets had 7 puppies one summer so that was eventful to say the least with mum & dad it was 18 pairs of long floppy ears to wash every meal time (I remember it well) We now as everyone knows have the delightful Poppy in residence who rules the roost after a very bad start in life she is a Lhasa Apso with attitude but she is such a delight to have here after her bad start.
                Last edited by Glammanana; 08-03-2015, 01:24 PM.
                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                  I prefer dogs, we have a Miniature Poodle named Millie, she is black .
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                  Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                    I have a long haired german shepherd and a black and white moggie. I have alwways had cats and dogs in my life and would hate to be without them. They get on well together and are no bother. My daughter is getting(in two weeks time) a rescue dog. It is a Bulgarian Kangal and has been sent to England ; it was found near to death on the streets of Bulgaria, starving, very thin and had been hit by a car. Large bang on its head which has resulted in the dog being blind now. It had also had its ears chopped and its tail docked. The lady who has been looking after it since October brought it to my daughter at the weekend for her to see how it would settle. It was very good, lovely temperement; but boy is it going to be a biggun!! Daughter has two cats as well and they were all good together. Time will tell.


                      Zizi, you would have loved my job back in the day I had to value a very old house from the 16th Century in Godmanchester, Cambs., and the owner had a thing for large spiders, and they were all in glass cages, and all enormous and there were around 70 of them and I had to value the house then sit down with her and (eccentric old lady) and talk her through the valuation. And I am an anacraphobic (spell)

                      I felt ill for days after
                      Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                        I would love a cat but Hubs doesn't like them , he wouldn't hurt them but doesn't like them near him and DD`s cats as I have said before try always to get at him Or a large dog a German Shepherd or a Grey hound but we just haven't the time or energy for a dog . My late sister had a retired Grey hound and he was as soft as cotton wool all he wanted to do was sleep by the fire , but boy could he move if you took him into a field he would run for ages then collapse panting at your feet and expect you to carry him to the car
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I'm not a dog lover, but do like cats.We had a cat called Lucy, she was 18½ when she had to be put to sleep.One of our nephews has got 3 snakes,only seen them in photos and that was enough.
                          When our eldest was serving in Northern Ireland, he had a scorpion and a tarrantula. All I can say is thank goodness he wasn't allowed to bring them out when his Northern Ireland duty was over.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            I've had dogs for most of my life - big ones and little ones, but mainly big ones. At the moment we have Clyde, a 14 year old Yorkie, who is diabetic and has poor near vision. The diabetes doesn't seem to bother him and he quite happily accepts twice-daily injections. Since we lost his brother, Rusty, just before Christmas he has seemed a bit sad and lonely, but we think he's too old and frail to cope with a new dog in the house. Our DS2's dog is staying with us at present, but he's also quite elderly and they've known each other for ever, so they're quite used to each other's little eccentricities.

                            I like cats, but don't know much about them - how to interpret them etc, and I've never had one. But DS1 and family have a young cat and I'm enjoying getting to know her.

                            I have often thought if I get too old and decrepit to have a dog, I'd consider getting a house rabbit.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)

