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A worrying 24 hours!


    A worrying 24 hours!

    As most of you know, we have a 14 year old Yorkie called Clyde. He has asthma and diabetes and poor eyesight, but is a real sweetheart, easy going and cuddly.

    He'd been rather quiet and sleeping a lot all week-end, which we put down to a very long and busy day at DS1's on Friday. But last night he couldn't get up or down the backdoor step, was trembling and seemed a bit disorientated. This morning we had to lift him over the step again and when he tried to stand up you could see it was difficult for him. As you can imagine my mind went into overdrive, imagining all sorts of things, mainly related to his diabetes and complications that can arise from that.

    Anyway, we took him to our wonderful vet this afternoon. He gave him a good check over, blood glucose fine, no temperature, no weight loss (or gain) overall condition fantastic for his age. But checking down his spine it was apparent that it was tender around the back legs. Then I remembered he'd stumbled on an awkward door step at DS1's and landed hard on his tummy. So in addition to his other meds, he's now on NSAIDs and anti-biotics for a possible urine infection. So we're thankful that it is 'only' an injury, probably made worse by chasing DS1's cat, and I shall sleep a lot better tonight.

    Pets, eh! You can't help worrying, and I do wish they could tell us when something's wrong.

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    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Hope he comes round soon Daisy urine infections can give all sorts if weird symptoms


      I still miss my old Georgie. We know that they will not be here forever but also know we love them. Hope he is OK. X
      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


        What a relief Daisy. Having geriatric pets can be really stressful. It sounds as if Clyde's problem can be fixed with some short term pills and I can imagine you were thinking all sorts of things as I would be the same.
        Our ancient Italian Greyhound has good days and bad days and when he is poorly I think he is coming to the end and then the next day he bounces out of bed and races around like a two year old. A rollercoaster ride for my emotions. Get Well Soon Clyde.
        Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
        Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


          Pets - source of great joy, and great anguish and worry!
          I'm so glad the vet got to the bottom of it, Daisy, and wish little Clyde a speedy recovery.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Awww poor Clyde hes a handsome chap isn't he, hope hes feeling better by tomorrow Daisy xxx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Poor Clyde, it's horrible when pets are unwell isn't it, they can't tell you where they are hurting bless them. I hope he gets well soon. Thank heavens for vets , where would we be without them.
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Onwards and Upwards Clyde do not give in and live to enjoy your wonderful family for many years to come X
                Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                  Pleased it's something that can be sorted for Clyde.Love the photo.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Thank you ladies for your good wishes. Clyde says 'thank you' too.

                    He's had a good night's sleep (that means he didn't wake me up at all!!!) . He still can't get over the doorstep, but he is more alert, and his interest in food never fails.

                    BL - I know what you mean about good and bad days. I think the ultimate sign of responsible pet ownership is knowing when to say that last goodbye which we all dread, but most days Clyde is happy, active for his age, enjoys a walk, loves a cuddle and jumps up onto your lap and fortunately for his diabetes never refuses food. His quality of life is good, and if he has a day when all he seems to want to do is sleep that's ok. I feel like that sometimes, too!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      What an absolute sweetheart he is such a lovely little face I am so glad the vet has sorted him,he will soon be bouncing about again,I hate it when you know yourself the end of their life is coming it has happened so many times for us as a family with our well loved pets over the years and something you can never ever get used to. Even though we now have the delightful Poppy I miss Barney so much and find it hard to believe it is 15mths since he fell asleep peacefully in his bed.
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Glamm - that's the thing, isn't it. A new pet in your family doesn't replace the one you've lost, and I know what a big hole Barney left in your life. I still miss Rusty (Clyde's brother) very much. I see him everywhere, and miss his eccentric and boisterous personality. Clyde is quieter, calmer and more easy going, and Clyde loves everybody, but Rusty was 'my' dog. It's been very strange as well, being a one-dog family when for nearly 14 years we had two. We recently looked after DS2's dog for a couple of weeks, and Clyde and I both enjoyed having him around, playing with toys and jostling for position on a lap!
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Sending lots of love and healing vibes.......
                          I love my dogs more than some people so I understand how much you must be worrying.
                          Get well soon little chap xx


                            Hope Clyde continues to improve Daisy.


                              Reading through these posts it strikes me how much our pets play such an important part in our lives. I've often said that non dog/cat/pet lovers don't understand what they mean to us. I'm sorry you've had a worrying time Daisy. I hope he's running about in the sunshine & managing those steps in no time.
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)

