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Storms great escape


    Storms great escape

    Twice this week Storm has escaped ,
    On Saturday DD had him to the Husky dog meet at a local park , its all enclosed so ok to let him off the lead ,
    Coming out she put his harness on and went to get him a ice ream at the ice cream van , just as she was getting his treat something spooked him and he pulled away , unfortunately she hadn't secured his harness properly so he managed to slip it and he made a run for it , A lady who was out with two disabled adults managed to hold him and the two disabled adulty were delighted they could pet him and he stood very still for them so DD was able to regain control and make sure his harness was secured right .

    Today he was with SIL's parents , I got a phone call to say he had managed to get out of the open back gate , there other DS had opened it and forgot to put the bolt back on , they back onto a busy road and bus link ,
    They had no idea what way he had gone so J had gone looking, D phoned us and our DD who came straight home from work but by the time we all got there J had found him ,

    He had crossed the busy road and made his way down to the river , two ladies had stopped him and put him on a spare lead they had , another dog walker knew where they lived so J went to the house , they were just loading Storm into the car to take him to the local Vet to check for a chip when J got there .

    He came in as though nothing had happened , D was in a terrible state she was crying and shaking thinking he could have been hurt or lost while he was in her care ,

    Anyway J went off to buy a padlock for the gate and Storm had his food and flopped down for a sleep after his adventure quite unconcerned of the distress he caused

    I have just phoned them and he's still asleep naughty dog
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    So glad no harm came to Storm. I love that he carries on as though nothing happened.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      How stressful for everyone!!
      I'm glad Storm is none the worse for his adventure.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        What a naughty boy. Still I suppose dogs will be dogs and if a gate is open the temptation is overwhelming.Glad it all turned out well in the end,but I do sympathise with D.


          Phew! Glad all turned out well Oma. How about renaming him Houdini?
          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
          Eleanor Roosevelt.


            They are renowned for their ability to escape
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              I could understand him wanting to escape if he had a lousy home, but, for goodness sake, he's pampered, loved and fed like a king - he won't find that level of devotion anywhere else, the silly dog! Seriously, both occasions must have been scary and I'm so glad no harm was done.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                So pleased Storm wasn't injured during his escapes Oma. Very worrying for everyone concerned.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  We will all be a little more vigilant now , luckily there is no gate in our back fence we do have a locked gate leading into the alley way between ours and next door but there is a gate at the other end that is always locked too , our front door is always locked and we always close the sitting room door when answering the front door , its a habit we got into before he came along because if a door or window is open the doors slam shut .

                  SIL;s Dad J has now put a pad lock on the gate and they are making sure the keys like ours is always turned in front door , they got such a fright , Poor D was still upset when I rang her again at 8pm

                  DD rang a little later and she said im sure this dog is giggling to himself he has a smug look on his face hahaha

                  Daisy he is treated like a king your right

                  Alls well that end well so they say

                  Oh and DD has ordered a tracker to go on his collar that we can all put on our phones via a app just in case
                  Last edited by Oma; 06-07-2019, 01:15 AM.
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Naughty Storm. I bet he enjoyed his adventures and doesn’t have a clue how worrying it must have been for everyone else. So pleased no harm came to him.
                    Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


                      They just can't resist an open door can they I'm so pleased he was found by such nice people I can imagine him just waltzing in and eating his meal as if to say "whats the fuss about folks".
                      Our back garden is now like Fort Knox with all the extra fencing errected as Dolly has been found in both of next doors gardens after doing her escape artist tricks.
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Bad boy Storm but it’s surprising how far they can go in such a short time 🐺


                          Glamm - you've reminded me when we first got Rusty and Clyde as puppies they kept escaping into neighbours' gardens and we ended up sinking concrete blocks under the fences! Eva is generally more intrested in who is at the front door rather than making a bolt for it, but we try and get her to sit at the bottom of the stairs or shut her in the living room when we're answering the front door.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            I know how terrifying that is Oma, so pleased it ended well. Naughty Storm.
                            "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

