I was in the company of the Treasurer of our WI and she was telling me that she has a lot of mice in her house atm, she will not kill them so sets humane traps and then puts them in cages in her garage and wait for it, she feeds them. The reason for her doing this, she tells me is that you have to take them a distance from the place where you caught them and she will only do that when the weather is warmer!! Unfortunately she doesn't drive so will have to find someone who is willing to give them a lift. I have visions of all the local mice telling each other to go in her house because you get bed and board.
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My friend and her mice.
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I had to smile at that, Plant. I hope she provides adequate bedding, clean water and appropriate food for the little creatures. I'd make sure they start their rehoming journeys with a full tummy so they don't rush back for dinner!
When we extended out kitchen we were getting mice coming in to one particular cupboard, and obviously appreciated the provision of oats, biscuits etc waiting for them. I hate killing them, so we tried swapping the contents of the cupboard and put in plates, mixing bowls etc (washed before each use in case they'd been visited) and the mice just disappeared - no doubt looking for free dinners elsewhere.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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My friend was selling her house in a very swanky upmarket private road. All seemed to be going well as she showed a couple around the house. Then her five year old piped up “Tell them about he mice Mummy. Tell them about the mice”. It was actually one mouse that found its way in through an open door on bonfire night about six months earlier”.xx
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Spoke to my mouselady friend at WI and mentioned the mice, she said they were getting worse so she has had to put poison down and she called in a vet to humanely kill the ones that were not quite dead. I feel sorry for her, she has her principles but this time she realised she was not winning the battle.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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