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Old lady cat woes


    Old lady cat woes

    We have two female cats who will be 19 in a few days time.
    Both have done very well health wise, especially D our tortoiseshell. H, our black and white long haired had skin problems when she was younger.
    Over the past few years we have needed help with handling H's fur and knots. A gentle cat by nature she turns into a witch when we start to dematt her, scratching and biting. We now take her to the vets and she has bits shaved. A few weeks ago it was the worse it has even been, so we asked them to shave her entirely. They did, apart from head and shoulders, tail and legs. It is growing back, very slowly!!

    D went deaf 2 or 3 years ago, totally. I was very sad, but she seems no different just a little more watchful, as she can't hear anyone or anything approaching her unless she sees them. She is very thin now, but has been for some time.
    D is our feisty little tomboy who loves people. I love all my cats but I have adored her since day one.
    She had never been treated by a vet until 2 years ago. We were on holiday and our catsitters realised something was wrong and took her. She had cystitis, which cleared up quickly with a short course of treatment.

    A few weeks ago we realised she had it again. Once again it cleared up quickly with treatment, but came back worse than ever once the 3 day course ran out. The vet then gave her 14 day antibiotic injection. Once again it cleared up. Just over a week ago, halfway through the course, it returned suddenly, much worse. The house looked like an abattoir as she kept peeing blood all over the place. Very distressing for her and for us.
    Back to the vet, who kept her in for the day, to obtain a sterile urine sample and to give her fluids. She gave her painkilling injections too.
    She was calmer when I collected her later that day and she was went home with painkillers for me to give her each morning.
    She has never lost her appetite throughout all this, and the vet was amazed that such a tiny cat ate so much during the day!
    Tomorrow I take her back for the test results. This is to prove whether or not the infection is bacterial, and if so they could try a different one as the course runs out tomorrow.

    If not we may need further investigations, such as scans. There could be bladder stones or a tumour.
    My thoughts are that she would not be generally so well and have such a good appetite with a tumour. Also each time it has come on it has come rapidly, which indicates a stone moving I think.
    She has had blood tests to rule out kidney disease and diabetes (as she is so thin, eats well and drinks a lot) and all came back fine.

    Since her day at the vet on Thursday the wees in the tray have gradually gone from red to pink to lighter pink then clear with spot of red, and for the last couple of days just normal. She seems well and happy.
    She enjoyed all the family being here on Mothers Day yesterday, and this morning followed OH up the loft ladder

    Here she is camping out in the garden a few summers ago!
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    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem she's lovely . DD cat has heart trouble that they are not treating as it's too stressful for him trying to get meds in him . Vet said let him be and just watch him . He can eat his own weight in food but under his fur he is very thin . He is only 8 but it seems to me as they get older and have health issues they do go thin
    Your Puss seems happy and eating well so I wouldn't worry and at 19 is doing remarkably well . A much loved and happy cat 😁
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Gem - I sense that underneath everything you are worrying about your beautiful lady (she is very pretty and obviously a lovely natured kitty).

      I really do hope that tomorrow brings good news for this special lady. I tend to agree about her appetite wouldn't be so good if it was a tumour. Keeping everything crossed for her. xxx
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Do hope they can clear the problem up for her Gemini.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Gem, hope things can be sorted soon for kitty. bless her.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Oh Gem, it’s so hard to see our pets unwell isn’t it as they can’t actually tell you how they feel .

            Keep my my fingers crossed for her tomorrow for her test results
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              The test results were a bit inconclusive really. No sign of bacteria, but vet said that could be because there never was any, or because the antibiotics had killed it

              Because she was fine now we decided to hold off on the costly scan for now. I have antibiotics to give her if it starts again suddenly, just to tide her over until we can see the vet. We would then arrange a scan. I am to continue with the painkillers for her for a few more days.

              She was fine, but once we got home she seemed uncomfortable and went to the litter tray several times and did small amounts of pink pee.
              I am hoping it is just a temporary reaction to the vet's examination and having her bladder squeezed. I am at DD's now, but OH should be in from golf soon so I can get an update from her
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Glad it went reasonably well Gem. Poor puss, she must wonder what in earth’s going on. Hope she continues to o prove.
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  I spoke to OH on the phone and D was asleep when she got in and still asleep when I phoned, so hopefully things have calmed down again
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Gem - at least you know there's no infection, and hopefully as you say yesterday's discomfort was just the result of being transported around, and poked in tender places by the vet.

                    How is she today?
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      She seems fine thanks Daisy.
                      I think in examining her yesterday the vet made the recently recovered area sore, resulting in a bit of temporary cystitis type reaction .
                      By the time OH got home not long afterwards she said she would have never known anything was amiss, apart from the note I left her.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Hope your poorly puss feels better today.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          I do hope your little girl is OK today Gemini its such a worry when our furbabies are unwel xx
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            Gem - that's really good news.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              I will type this as quickly as I can because of the crying it will promote.
                              After an ultrasound scan yesterday we know that our darling little D has a large tumour in her bladder, which is what is causing the bleeding. It is large in proportion to her bladder. Nothing to be done about it, due to the size and her age. It may or may not be cancer, but we are not putting her though more tests to find out as either way there is nothing to be done.
                              We of course were devastated. It was worse as that was the same room in which OH said goodbye to her cat few years ago, and we never saw her alive again. An exploratory operation on OH's cat had found stomach cancer which had begun to spread, so it was kinder to let her go on the table. OH was very upset yesterday.

                              The vet agrees with me that mainly D is in very good shape for her age, is happy, alert, eats and sleeps well. Having had her there most of the day they could see she has quality of life.
                              So, for now she has had an antibiotic shot, and I have more painkillers to continue her on daily.
                              Just watch and wait. If she is mostly fine then she may have months more good life. If not I don't want her to linger and suffer.
                              She has been happy and healthy all her life. Her first visit to the vet for treatment was at age 17.

                              When I know the time is right I will have to say goodbye. I am glad we had already cancelled our anniversary night away, as no way can I leave her at the moment.
                              She seems in a bit of discomfort today, but I think that is probably a reaction to her day at the vets, scan, and examinations. This has happened before then all calms down so fingers crossed. She had her her painkiller and is peacefully asleep at the moment.

                              I know many of you are or have been pet owners, or love someone else's pet, so you understand. I don't really want to talk about it, but then I want you to know really.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

