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    As most of you know we have a dog, and have always had dogs. I've never had a cat, although I have looked after (ie fed) other people's from time to time.

    Our neighbours across the road asked if I'd fee their 3 cats while they were away for a week - I've done it before, so no problem. The only trouble I had was remembering their names! This sounds awful, I know, but the names of two of them just wouldn't stick in my tiny brain.

    But somehow this week, I feel I've got to know them, and pick out personality traits that must have been there all along but I couldn't 'read' them. It started on Sunday, which was cold, very wet and like winter. The very shy one actually came into the utility room with me, looking for food. So, guessing that they might be extra hungry, I gave them extra, and put one bowl down away from the others for the shy one. She started to eat immediately so I stayed with her to stop the other two frightening her off.

    One of them has no cat traits - she thinks she's human, and even rolls on her back to have her tummy tickled.

    The third one, male, I'm sure has a sense of humour! He usually winds himself round your legs but on days when I was wearing crop trousers he made sure he rubbed up against me on my trousers - I'll swear for Eva's 'benefit'. He'd then sit and watch me as if to say 'there, your dog will know exactly what you've been up to"

    The really strange thing is, after 3 years of them living there, I've finally sorted out the cats' names!!!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Daisy I fed my neighbors two cats when they are away. They are brothers and are twice the size of my cat.
    The ginger one runs away from me when he is in the garden but when I am in the flat feeding him he rubs up against me and purrs. His brother on the other hand treats my home and garden as if he owns it with me thrown in for good measure.
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Cats certainly know how to control us.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Well done Daisy 😺
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Cats have a mind of their own and let you know if you have been a good or bad Human 😊
          DD's cats all have a different personality
          Jasper the one she doesn't see for sometimes 6 month at a time comes home and expects everyone to jump with joy and treat him like a King
          Buzz the naughty cat will curl around your legs and look like butter wouldn't melt until SIL walks past and he launches himself at him biting and hissing same with poor Storm .
          Tally on the other hand is a sweetheart loves cuddles and loves Storm 😊
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Enfys - thank you! I feel I've progressed one teeny tiny baby step towards getting to know cats!

            Oma - that is a mixed bunch! I wonder what Buzz has got against SIL and Storm!!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              No idea but he's like a soft baby with DD and GS1 , wouldn't care but SIL loves him and tries all ways with him .
              He will let SIL stroke and cuddle him for a short while then all of a sudden he will grab his hand and start biting
              He sleeps with G'S every night
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Cats really have their own personalities Daisy

                One of mine is as you described thinks she is human. If someone comes in to feed them she ignores the food and just fusses around them.
                If there is spare chair at the dining table when we have people round she will if allowed, sit there, looking at the table as if looking for her meal!
                She also gets into our bed, if allowed, and lays with her head between our pillows, body facing down. Mimicking us I'm sure!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  My old girl is 20 now. She has had to put up with all sorts of waifs and strays (other cats and dogs) in her life but she is so good natured, she has never seemed to mind. My friend’s cat, on the other hand, is a real split personality. She will love me with a passion one minute and attack me with real spite the next. Not just me, everyone, even her owner. We can’t work out why.
                  Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                  Eleanor Roosevelt.


                    Gem, your “human” cat sounds a bit like Eva 😀.

                    The split personality cat cat seems quite ‘normal ‘ in the cat world. A friend of mine had one who would greet you very happily then when she thought you weren’t expecting it she’d take a running jump and dig her claws into whatever bare flesh she could reach. 😨
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Our new kitten, now almost a cat has been inclined to bite and almost hunt us but seems to be calming down a bit, never had this with our previous cats.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        I love cats gave golf OH if he doesn’t buck his ideas up I’m going to swap him for a cat.
                        and the names of the cats are Daisy ......... ?


                          I have had cats all my life apart from a 3 to 4 year period when at college, and then living in rented accomodation for a while.
                          I am have never ever had a cat who scratches, bites or attacks us.
                          I have met cats who do though!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I had a shock when I went to DD1's house last week. I knocked & mummy opened the door. Little E ran out followed closely by his elder brother. Then I saw a kitten coming out of the living room. I couldn't believe my eyes. She hadn't told me, but she'd had it for nearly a week. Poor OH is allergic to cats hair. Red, runny eyes & nose, sneezing & change of breathing. The little thing seems very friendly & was already using the litter tray.

                            Come on then Daisy ....Qwerty is asking their names?😉🤣
                            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                            (Doe Zantamata.)


                              Daisy when your friends cat arches his back and rubs against your leg he is telling your he likes you and is giving you his scent,my Oliver does this when people call.
                              Other times he will run into the garden and hide he has a mind of his own.
                              He will give Poppy the run around and not let her sleep without jumping on top of her and disturbing her and he has the loudest meaow you have ever heard in fact he talks to you in meaow words !!
                              I must get my picture setting sorted so I can let you see how handsome this chap is xx
                              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

