OH was well enough to take our cocker J to the vets yesterday. He's been having trouble with his pads. The vet's visit before, OH was advised to use vaseline every day on his pads. He's not in pain tho. They haven't improved so he took him back yesterday.
They aren't burnt as we're very aware this can happen. He's only gone on walks when it's cool & the pavements etc aren't hot. The vet said that it's a hereditory skin condition but it's the worse case he's seen. He took pictures & cut the dead skin off from around each pad. The pictures he took he's showing to the dermatologist vet who is at the practice. We'll wait to hear from them what to do next. Meanwhile OH mixes liquid parafin with warm water & soak his paws.
Our lovely J is so good natured. He was so good at the vets that the vet gave him a doggy treat.
They aren't burnt as we're very aware this can happen. He's only gone on walks when it's cool & the pavements etc aren't hot. The vet said that it's a hereditory skin condition but it's the worse case he's seen. He took pictures & cut the dead skin off from around each pad. The pictures he took he's showing to the dermatologist vet who is at the practice. We'll wait to hear from them what to do next. Meanwhile OH mixes liquid parafin with warm water & soak his paws.
Our lovely J is so good natured. He was so good at the vets that the vet gave him a doggy treat.