At DD2’s today, a jackdaw came into the garden, obviously very thirsty and hungry. It spent time drinking the water leaking from the hose as the paddling pool was filled. DD fetched a bowl for him and some food. He was very tame and had a cuff on his leg with an address and phone number in Hertfordshire (not too far as the crow (ha ha) flies. We named him Cyril as he was so handsome. He took a great liking for OH, sitting on his arm and enjoyed being scratched around his head. He ate and drank his fill, had a most enjoyable bath, preened until he looked beautiful and played with a marble and some coins. He stayed for several hours and then went. By this time we were all totally smitten and now we are worrying that he may not have gone home. How strange that this little bird could have such an effect on us humans.
DD rang the number on his cuff but there was no reply. She will ring again tomorrow. Fingers crossed. 🤞🏻
DD rang the number on his cuff but there was no reply. She will ring again tomorrow. Fingers crossed. 🤞🏻