A place to remember anyone dear to us on their birthday
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Remembering loved ones no longer with us.
This is a sticky topic.
Our Boy was a one off...(yes I know, they ALL are)We were lucky to have him with us for 18 years. He was a hunter and a fight, and loved nothing more than being out at night. He was a mouser and would steer clear of the birds who used to taunt him. Unfortunately that meant we were often presented with field mice and tiny creatures he had hunted down at night, mostly to play with once he got them back indoors.
This resulted over the years in several rage inducing incidents when the mice he let go were trapped inside, and made their nests behind the fridge, sinks and every other place they could, whilst helping themselves to his cat biscuits and piddling non stop, causing a dreadful stench. The times we had to find these little animals and try to rescue them whilst he looked on, bored with our efforts. Then the clearing up.
He thought he was a dog! He responded to commands, sit, stay etc., and loved dogs and hated with a passion any other cat.
This brilliant, aggravating and totally loved Tom also refused to eat any kind of cat food other than biscuits. He had fresh coley, which stank the house out when you cooked it for him, chicken and turkey. He would starve himself rather than eat anything from a tin!
18 years we did everything he directed us to do for him. He was well traveled also as he went to Madrid for a couple of years and then back again. Finally he succumbed to a variety of conditions, and at 20 years old he passed away.
We don't miss the mice and the mess! But we will always miss our Boy. Hoping he has much fun in the Happy Hunting Ground in Heaven.
run by Grandmothers for Grandmothers
He sounds a real character, and how lovely to have had him for so long!
One of my cats thinks she is a person! She greets all visitors, sits at the table on a dining chair if she gets the chance, and follows OH up the loft ladder, to keep her company up there
She is full of personality! Shes almost 16, but very fit and young looking. I hope we have her for a long time yet.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Yesterday, when I was out with our dog, we met an elderly, gentle yellow Lab. She was the image of the first dog we had when the children were little. We got him as a 7-week old puppy and from Day 1 we all loved him. He grew into a dog with a big personality - always happy, always ready for walkies, always ready to play with the children. He suffered from social deafness when you tried to call him back from an exciting forage under a bush, and the deafness was particularly apparent around water, the muddier and smellier the better. We wasn't keen on the sea though - you couldn't drink it and it did its own thing! His wagging tail was a weapon to beware of! One day he knocked a wine glass off a table, neatly separating the bowl from the stem! But he was also so gentle. I remember a friend's baby literally crawling over him when he was basking in a patch of sunlight. He lazily lifted his head, gave her a gentle lick and went back to sleep. We had him for an all-too short 11 years and he still holds a special place in my heart."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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We had a beautiful white and black cat from the local animal rescue centre. The children named her Lucky, they said we were lucky to have her and we certainly were. Indoors she was a gentle little cat; loved sleeping on any lap available, was happy to,be dressed in dolls clothes and pushed in a pram! Outside though it was a different story. She was a real hunter and would tackle anything. She would stalk the pigeons for hours and would look angrily at us if we chased them away. One day she dragged a live blackbird in through the cat flap! You can imagine the mess, feathers etc everywhere. We were lucky to have her for 18 years and she left a huge hole in our lives when she sadly died."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot
It's a tragedy for all those grieving families, but how awful for the families and friends of those schoolchildren - so many empty desks, so many who will have lost friends. It brings home the fragility of life."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)