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Birthday dilemma

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    Birthday dilemma

    My fantastic DIL2 will be 40 on Monday - despite looking about 18!

    The dilemma is how to celebrate - and it will have to be tomorrow or Sunday, so very little time to organise anything. The problem is she doesn't want a 'party' but her little daughters would, I'm sure, like to celebrate Mummy's special day. Ages ago DIL1 suggested we keep tomorrow clear 'just in case' (she's a great planner, is DIL1) which we've all done.

    Several chats with DS2 have resulted in no decision - he promised to try and get the birthday girl to make up her mind by today. For a variety of reasons they don't want to do anything at their house, and I fully understand why, and DS2 doesn't want her to be rushing round looking after other people on her birthday, so I've suggested both families plus DIL2's parents come to us for ... whatever! Depending on the weather a barbecue or lunch/tea.

    I know DIL doesn't want a 'fuss', but I think we should mark her landmark birthday in some way. If they're coming to us, I'll have to get my skates on and go shopping. I don't think OH should be out and about after his eye treatment yesterday and he's committed to going out tonight so I'll have to brave the madness of the supermarket myself! I've got a cake in the freezer I can decorate up, and I know DS and DIL1 will help tomorrow. I just want to know!!!!!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Hope decisions will be made soon Daisy. I will do your shopping for you, I love shopping.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Not much time left to organise something Daisy ! Think I'd be stocking up on lots of ready-to-eat things. DO you have an M&S food near you? Plenty of choice in there and would sve you lots of preparation. Hope it all goes well, whatever is arranged.
      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        Hope you manage to pull something togeter Daisy.
        If i was in your position,i would make a roast dinner.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          I'd do a kid's style party tea! Sandwiches, sausage rolls, crisps, cakes, jelly and ice cream 😊
          Maybe even pass the parcel!
          Fun for all ages 😁

          Sunday roast is a good idea too.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Well, the party's tomorrow!!!

            Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions - Plant, how I wished you lived next door.

            WG - yes there's an M&S Food Hall in Lymington - about 5 miles away, also Waitrose.

            Nanto - a roast dinner is really hard for that number of people - 12. I've only got a small single oven. Gem - it would be lovely to do a kid's style party, but there would be nothing there that DIL2 would like much. Given a different family with a bigger oven either would be great.

            We're going to do a barbecue - with 1 GS both gluten- and dairy-free, one DS and one GD gluten-free plus the birthday girl herself who would opt for a nourishing pill instead of food if she could, it's probably the easiest. I've got GF burger buns in the freezer. DS2 will go to his local farm shop tomorrow and get the usual BBQ burgers, sausages, chicken, pork spare ribs etc, I can get salads etc in the village, and DIL12will pop into Tesco when she picks up her click and collect order tonight for a few odds and ends like garlic bread. I've got various nibbles in, and I'll do some baking tonight. Plus DS1 and DIL1 can get anything else at M&S which they pass on the way down here. Phew!!

            We've spent the morning sorting out garden furniture, the barbecue, and things like that. I'll mow the lawn this afternoon, and all we want then is for the sun to shine tomorrow!!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Lovely day today, I think it will be the same tomorrow, have fun.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Blimey Daisy that is short notice, I find bbq hard work to be honest marinades and all that malarkey , I’d have opted for a meal lol, but you’ll do a grand job I’m sure ,hope the sun shines and she has a marvellous time .
                Its my Dd 40 th this year all plans are organised both mum and dad that’s us 😉and her OH are on the ball even if she has said I just want to go for a meal ,😳 I shall be 80 if I live that long when she’s 50 so don’t think I will be dancing the night away so I’m determined to do something amazing for her 40 th 😀


                  That sounds perfect Daisy, especially if the weather obliges
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Qwerty - we don't do planning ahead in our family - apart from DIL1 who is brilliant. I'm still not quite sure who is doing what shopping, but we'll get by!!

                    I've defrosted a cake so just need to decorate it tomorrow, made sausage rolls, hard boiled some eggs (the GCs always make a bee-line for those) and DS2 has made a mackerel and spinach frittata and will get meat etc from the farm shop, and the DSs are doing the cooking between them.

                    We'll get some salads and some desserts in the morning. We've got plenty of nibbles and drinks in, so I hope nobody will go hungry!

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)

