

Happy birthday

to Granny Jules!
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    Please, what are the little lines like bar codes that seem to be coloured lines on some members posts?

    Hi Jane, you mean under the avatar? They show how many posts you have made and they change colour once you have made X amount and the bars are full, and that tells everyone roughly how much you are posting or not. We do have something coming for your PROPER status here which may be up and running by the weekend?
    run by Grandmothers for Grandmothers


      Oooh yes you will all be proper soon
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Actually, lady admin I don't think it can be posts. Jane already has 2 bars and only 11 posts! I think we decided it could be Likes, either given or received?
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Ah ha: I shall have to dig deep into our records to find that, or it has bypassed me, or, I read it wrong LOL
          run by Grandmothers for Grandmothers


            So basically we will know the ones who scive all day and those busy doing housework


              It's taking me all day to find this I'll never get my line filled up!!!
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


              • Elisi
                Elisi commented
                Editing a comment
                Quicker than you think WeeG x

              I look forward to being 'proper' never been that in my life! But I do appear to have gone platinum!!!!!!!! Oooo


                I don't even know where you find font size, colour etc. I'm on my iPad. Just tried smiley in this top right hand corner & it doesn't work.
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Not everything works on Hipads Mamar - I cannot post smilies and cannot put my signature on. I managed the signature by logging on using a laptop (an old one). I can post pictures on HIpad now but not confident that only my friends (subscribers) can see them so have to test that out. I can only change font, size, colour on my old laptop as well. Cannot do anything but read and plain post on my work laptop. PHEW that was a lot of explanation wasn't it?
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    Thanks Zizi. Why is technology so bl***y challenging? No need to answer that, more of an observation than a question 😉
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      Marmar* - It is frustrating when different devices behave in different ways, but if you think about it - all these devices are set up to respond to the programs running on them. All the devices are different, and all the programs are different. It's amazing things work as well as they do. I think what is often the worst aspect is the user interface, ie what we see on the screen. The coders and programmers know what they're talking about, but we don't!
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I'm on my ipad and thought id try uploading photos, using the camera icon top right of the text box. Errr, that would be top left. Never know right from left!
                        You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                        This gallery has 2 photos.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Ahh sweet photos Daisy Not tried to upload form ipad yet, I'll give it a go later.
                          Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                            I seem to be able to upload pics on Ipad but not on laptop, I shall work it out in the end
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

