Thought as this is on a nutrition thread this was the best place to put it.Admin please move if not in the correct place.
8 ounces of mixed fruit, 2 ounces of cherries, 2 ounces chopped dates. 4 ounces sugar, 8 ounces SR flour,2 beaten eggs, 4 ounces softened butter. 1/2 teaspoon mixed spice. I add a spoonful as my hubby likes lots of spice,pinch of nutmeg,pinch of salt, 3/4 teacup of milk.
Mix flour with sugar and fruits.Stir in eggs & butter. Add milk and spices.Beat well together until thoroughly mixed.Turn into a lined tin and cook on slow oven (in my case Gas 2) for about 1/1/2 to 2 hours.