Following the success of the cream egg cupcakes I thought I might try to invent some based on the favourite school pudding syrup sponge - inventing new recipes is what I do when I can't sleep in the middle of the night. So yesterday DH was out all morning so off I went. I made the usual plain cupcake mix and added some dark brown sugar (replacing some of the white) and some golden syrup. So far far good. When cooked I cut out a cone shaped piece from the middle of the cupcake and filled it with golden syrup (you can see now where the bad comes in) - I then cut a bit off the bottom of the piece I had removed and popped the remainder back into place creating a lid. Once it was topped with a pile of golden syrup flavoured butter cream it looked pretty good. I know the kids will never guess what is inside and it will fun watching them eat them as the syrup should (if I'm lucky) have soaked in a little and also ooze out.
