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Why is planning simple get togethers so hard?!

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    Why is planning simple get togethers so hard?!

    In our extended family we have several June and July birthdays, plus a couple in May. Last year 15 of us went out for a family lunch to celebrate these birthdays and Fathers Day. A lovely time was had by all.

    This year I have tried to arrange another. Twice we thought we had the date, then someone realised they were double booked, both times! As I write we still have no date set!

    DD2 decided to have an informal pizza (from their excellent local Italian restaurant) and ice cream night at theirs. For us and the 3 DDs and SILs and the children. This Saturday was looking good, then DD3 remembered they were not free. We went through all Friday nights and weekends, and we have come up with July 29th as the first one all are free!! A long time to wait for an impromptu get together

    Do you find this when making plans with family and friends?

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Nightmare Gem , we usually ok but now and then there is a blip , Work commitments ,Football , plans with friends etc get in the way , the text fly between us all trying to get a suitable night or day
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      My family is a nightmare, I tend to think that the only time I will get them all together in one room is at my funeral!!
      The excuse from them is 'we are to busy/ can't get time off work/ have other plans. I have told them that time will pass by so quick and suddenly it's too late myself and OH will no longer be around
      Last edited by Mimi; 15-06-2017, 02:54 PM.
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        We are such a small family, us two, DD, SIL, DGS, DGD that it's really easy. Wish there were more of us though, would love a big family get together
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Either our family get-togethers are impromptu or planned well ahead so not much of a problem
          Last edited by Plantaholic; 16-06-2017, 07:19 AM.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            We are like Oma not much of a problem arranging things, but sometimes they just want to do their own thing and we have to take a back seat but at least we don't pay then lol


              We've been trying to get together with my brothers since before Christmas! We are all retired but various commitments and health hiccups have scuppered our plans several times. Not too bad with the DDs etc, they are always happy to meet up here for a meal. One SiL sometimes has car shows to go to but comes when he can. I don't insist they all come as their weekends are precious but they usually do anyway.
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                All my DCs work different shift patterns even the DILs so we always have a problem they even have weekends thrown into their working shifts so getting a free afternoon or early evening is very hard,usually have to split over a 2 week period to get to see everyone,nightmare
                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                  Sometimes we use a Doodle Poll (mentioned by Shem on the technology thread)
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    OHs cousin is arranging a gathering in July. The venue has changed three times so far. Going to be just us and DD1 plus her family as far as I can see. We usually meet up with OH brothers and their families just before Christmas but as they both work shifts we get them to find a date when they are both available and then try to fit around them. So easy nowadays for families to drift apart with the pace of life being so hectic. Strange really with all the new ways to communicate. Perhaps we'll have to arrange virtual family get togethers in the not too distant future.


                      It can be difficult sometimes Gem. We are usually Ok, being retired,but some family members do have to work.
                      Then of course,some people won't put themselves out.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        I think it's gets more difficult to get different parts of the family together. Usually we can get both DSs and their families together for, say a birthday, but DS1 has been abroad so much this year it's been harder, and as the GCs get older they get an independent social life as well, which has to be worked round.

                        I only have one cousin, but DS has a sister and two brothers in this country. We tend to see them in small units. His youngest bro and his wife are coming to stay tomorrow, and we meet up with his eldest sister and her OH when they come down to visit their own 2 daughters.

                        I think Shem could be right - we will be having virtual family get togethers if we all get any busier.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)

