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In praise of a friend

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    In praise of a friend

    This afternoon we watched the videos on You Tube from our friend H's concert. H is a published composer and music teacher, who works from home. This concert of her pupils takes place in a local school hall twice a year, in June and December. We go to at least one of them and we were there in December. She and they work really hard. They play pieces and get awards.
    For now all H's teaching is online, so for her and then pupils (95% are children and teenagers) this is all new. To produce a concert in this way was a real challenge, Their families had to film each piece and send them in, and H had to collate them, add her speeches and award details and get it all onto You Tube. It was very enjoyable to watch and I am very proud of her. Almost as good as the real thing (but no meal out afterwards!)
    H is a talented artist too.

    Her mum, a lovely lady, came to live with H three years ago, as she had become frail and was too far away for H to help often. H lived alone, had room and was very close to her mum, so it worked well having her with her. She had a stroke early this year, from which she didn't recover. She was ill and in hospital for a long time during lockdown with H and her brother unable to visit, and eventually she died.
    The funeral was limited to 10 people, but there will be a celebration ceremony at some point.

    H has had so much to put up with recently.
    I know she will never see this, and nor would she want to as she's not one for fuss or flowery words! But I just wanted to give her some credit for meeting challenges at such a difficult time.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Well done to your talented friend Gemini
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Hats off to your friend Gem.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Your a good friend Gem , thank you for telling us about her xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Gem, I remember you mentioning this friend before, and having been to a similar concert when my GS2 was having piano lessons I can appreciate how much hard work goes into putting them on. It must be 100 times more difficult to do it remotely so a big round of applause to your friend and all her pupils, whatever their ages.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            A very talented friend you have Gem, and well done!

