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To lose an online friend

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    To lose an online friend

    We have recently suffered the loss of our member Zizi, very suddenly and unexpectedly, too soon.
    Although she hasn't posted on our forum for over a year, many of us were still in touch with her by FB and email, and hoped one day she would come back. I always included her in the GRU emails .

    Some of us had met her, some had not, but her going is a real loss to all of us .

    Many years ago a member of a large forum I belonged to died suddenly . She had gone into hospital for routine knee surgery, so it was very unexpected. She was in her early 50s. I was fairly new to that forum, and although I knew the lady from her posts, we were not friends.
    I witnessed the shock and grief of the members who were her friends. Most had not met her, but that sadness at the loss of one of their community was obvious.

    I lost a very close online friend L, suddenly and in a terrible way. She was murdered, and the horror of someone/group ending the life of someone you care for is even more unbearable than were it through illness or accident
    I have written about this on YEO before.
    Lizzie48 was on that forum with me, and will remember the shock and sadness we all felt.
    L was a happy, lively, vibrant person.
    None of us had met her, as she lived in Israel. She and I had plans to meet up a few weeks later when she and her family would have been over here staying with her UK family. It was never to be. I so nearly met her.

    My point is that we can love and care deeply for online friends, and their loss is just as real as the loss of friends who live closer to us
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Very well put Gemini, you are always so good with words.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      I agree Gem , to be honest I was surprised I felt Tizzy' s passing so greatly ,
      The shock hit me so hard I cried all day and felt physically sick too ,
      It took me several days to get my head around it .

      Even on line friends become sort of a family and its dreadful to lose one
      Im pleased I got to meet and know Tizzy

      I have made some wonderful friends on hear people I am very- very fond of ,
      The love and support kept me sane when B was ill and at times I thought all was lost,
      This is what good friends are made of , as Sum1 said , Social Media etc sometimes gets a bad press but without GRU and GN I wouldn't know all you wonderful ladies .

      I consider myself blessed
      Live for today ladies we don't know what tomorrow may bring xxxxxxxxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Well said Gem.
        I, too, was a member of a forum when one of the members died. She had kept her illness to herself. Too sad for words. Luckily some members were able to attend her funeral but she is still missed.
        I didn’t meet Tizzy, and we didn’t really interact on the forum but do understand how you all must feel.
        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
        Eleanor Roosevelt.


          Gem,its so true,you can feel the loss of someone even though you have never met them.
          I never met Tizzy,but i could tell from here,how she had such a love of life.
          Can't imagine how devastated her family must be.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Gem, I think in some ways our online friendships are sometimes more intimate friendships that our 'real' ones. I bet many of us have posted thoughts and comments that we would hesitate to say to non-virtual friends or family. Meeting our online friends in real life is a bonus, but not meeting them is no barrier to our friendships.

            Tizzy had many wonderful qualities which I'll write about on the Tributes thread when things are a bit less difficult for me here. I for one will miss her greatly.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Although I have never met any of our GRUS ladies I would feel lost without your support and friendship that is shared on here.

              Losing Tizzy so suddenly was a huge shock to us all, it reminds us that nothing should be taken for granted , we should enjoy single every day
              I know that’s easy for me to say as I am not going through the heartbreak and worry that some of our ladies are struggling with but I firmly believe that we should cherish our special relationship we have here. If one of our ladies is in pain, we all feel that pain, if someone has some exciting news , we all enjoy that excitement.

              I know Tizzy stopped posting on here a while ago now but we should be thankful that we did get to know her albeit for a short time.
              We will grieve her parting but we must celebrate and remember the time she became our friend.
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Agree with all you say Mimi.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  My non online friends don't know what I am doing day to day, even those who are on FB as I don't post that often there.
                  They don't know some of my worries, and my joys, which I share daily with all of you here.
                  But for the internet we would not have known Zizi, and none of us know each other, apart from Daisy and Sunshine.
                  What a loss that would have been, to have known none of you.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Gemini,Exact same sentiments here how empty our world would have been without our lovely Tizzy even though I never met her she was always there with her wit and comfort for anyone who needed it,for instance her naming of the everyday iron "that hissy thingy" has stayed within our household (just a small thing which reminds me of her)
                    I have lost just one virtual friend previously and the amount of virtual friends who came on line to support her family was outstanding I am still trying to understand what has happened to our treasured friend.
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      I agree with all that has been said. I post things on here that I do not always discuss with other friends.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

