We've only got one set of next door neighbours - the house on the other side is set at 90 degrees to ours, so the side of our house is the bottom of their garden. So our one set of 'real' neighbours are always of interest.
About 12 years ago the family who had lived there since it was new moved away and a young couple about to get married moved in. They were lovely and we became good friends - in fact we started the allotment together. Then they had two gorgeous babies, but nearly 6 years ago they decided to spend a couple of years in Australia, and they rented their house out to a nice couple who were doing up a house they'd bought in the village. Within a couple of years they had moved on and someone else moved in. We never saw these people, despite calling round to introduce ourselves and sticking a 'welcome' card through the door. They left one dark and stormy night having cheated the house owners out of a lot of money.
The next tenants were another lovely young family who we are still friendly with, but the owners decided they could no longer keep so much money tied up in a house in the UK. They're very happy in Oz, so I can't see them coming back here soon. The house is on the market for sale. But for various reasons no-one seems interested, so there are now short term tenants in there. They moved in a couple of weeks ago, but we've only met the husband and their two sons so far. He seems a lovely man and it would be nice if they were staying. They're looking to buy, but want somewhere bigger, so they're unlikely to stay either.
It would be so nice to have more permanent neighbours again. <sigh>
About 12 years ago the family who had lived there since it was new moved away and a young couple about to get married moved in. They were lovely and we became good friends - in fact we started the allotment together. Then they had two gorgeous babies, but nearly 6 years ago they decided to spend a couple of years in Australia, and they rented their house out to a nice couple who were doing up a house they'd bought in the village. Within a couple of years they had moved on and someone else moved in. We never saw these people, despite calling round to introduce ourselves and sticking a 'welcome' card through the door. They left one dark and stormy night having cheated the house owners out of a lot of money.
The next tenants were another lovely young family who we are still friendly with, but the owners decided they could no longer keep so much money tied up in a house in the UK. They're very happy in Oz, so I can't see them coming back here soon. The house is on the market for sale. But for various reasons no-one seems interested, so there are now short term tenants in there. They moved in a couple of weeks ago, but we've only met the husband and their two sons so far. He seems a lovely man and it would be nice if they were staying. They're looking to buy, but want somewhere bigger, so they're unlikely to stay either.
It would be so nice to have more permanent neighbours again. <sigh>