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Blueberries are healthy, surely!!

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    Blueberries are healthy, surely!!

    I'm in the coffee shop, eyeing up the goodies, but know most of them (ok, ALL of them) are naughty. So I choose the one with healthy, super-food blueberries in!!

    Epic fail!

    Health experts say the researchers' findings show how easy it is to consume "huge" amounts of sugar.

    I hope I haven't spoilt your day!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    I think you have to have them in your porridge, or a fruit salad Daisy. not in a muffin

    Which reminds me of a funny story. Once DD3 and her OH were chatting with friends, and said they had had blueberry porridge for breakfast, which they love. The friends didn't look overly impressed and one said ' Whats that like? ' When DD replied it was delicious another friend said it really didn't sound it.
    In the end the confusion came to light. They thought the breakfast had been Blue Brie Porrridge
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      They are very healthy Daisy well they better had be as I bought 3 x SW meals yesterday to get a free bag of them.Mind you I do love those meals I couldn't make them for the price so reasonable.
      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


        Home made Blueberry Muffins are healthy /ish as you don't use as much sugar than shop bought ,
        I have just had Porridge with Blackberry in , lovely either have them or Blueberrys on .
        Blueberrys are a tad expensive at the moment but I always have them in .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Love blueberries, have them every morning, GGS loves them too.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Originally posted by Daisy View Post
            I'm in the coffee shop, eyeing up the goodies, but know most of them (ok, ALL of them) are naughty. So I choose the one with healthy, super-food blueberries in!!

            Epic fail!

            Health experts say the researchers' findings show how easy it is to consume "huge" amounts of sugar.

            I hope I haven't spoilt your day!

            DAISY ! I think you should hand that halo back as per the chat thread !!
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Oh dear Daisy wrong way to eat them, I have them every morning in a fruit salad for brekkie , the kids eat them by the handfuls it’s a superfood they tell us 🤔


                Blueberries are healthy, it's the muffin that isn't.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  I do love blueberries, though, and have them nearly every morning on my muesli, and having more blueberries should be better - but clearly not if they're in a muffin!

                  Mimi - I've just spent ¾ hour cleaning the whirligig - that MUST deserve a halo, surely!
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    I'm the odd one out here, cannot see the appeal. Have tried them, but to me they taste of nothing. Which reminds me, my neighbour ( greengrocer) brought very early English strawberries for me to my house. Well I'm not there am I so Brian ate them 😥😥
                    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                      Libra Gran - Oh, early strawberries - you must be so sorry you weren't there to eat them. there's nothing quite like those first 'proper' English strawberries.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Libra, I don't love them either! My GC do, and I know they are good for us, so I do buy and eat them, but it is a duty rather than a pleasure
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Early strawberries how lucky is your Brian I bet they where delicious you have reminded me that I must make the trip to our nearest strawberry farm and get some earlies for myself.
                          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                            Glamm - the strawberry season seems to get longer every year - thank goodness! You can't beat proper local-grown 'real' strawberries.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)

