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Food you no longer, or ever ate

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    Food you no longer, or ever ate

    DJ on the radio this morning is talking about spam fritters .
    Did you ever eat them as a child and do you eat them now ?
    Tripe , now that's another childhood memory. As a child I refused to eat tripe but I must admit I did have to endure the odd fritter every now and again much to my horror.
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.

    We had Spam fritters for school dinners. Haven’t had them since, but I did like them at the time!
    Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


      Both those things were a no - no for me , still don't like Spam ,
      Hated Liver but enjoy it now , my tastes have changed as I grew older ,
      I'm not a lover of the Crackling on Pork either and would NEVER EVER eat chicken skin YUK
      I cant eat chicken on the bone or the dark meat either
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I did like spam fritters when we had them at school, but i don't eat them now.

        When i was little,my grandad used to have honeycomb tripe every saturday for his tea.
        He ate it just as it was,with salt/pepper and vinegar on.
        I once had a little taste of it,but never again.

        A few days ago,hubby was talking about his friend B.
        B, said he gets a ham shank every week. Said it's very tasty and plenty of meat on.
        Last time i bought a ham shank,was when we were first married.
        Thought about getting one,and doing it in the slow cooker.

        I've always liked liver,but we don't have it very often.

        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Wouldn't be able to eat tripe, mussels, oysters, eels. Used to eat spam but not fritters. Ham shank if very nice Nanto.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Rabbit never touched it , all those lovely bunnies running about In the field next to me 🐰Liver I have cooked it for OH it smells lovely but couldnt let it pass my lips , whiskey another one the smell puts me off lol
            Last edited by Qwerty; 19-03-2018, 04:30 PM.


              Spam fritters,chips and baked beans.....yummy!! Don't have them now though! Don't eat liver( because I've got a funny one!) or any offal. Don't like rabbit, chicken skin,thighs or legs, pork crackling,lamb,porridge,runny cream, soft cheese,mussels! Didn't realise I was so fussy! A good single malt whisky is lovely Qwerty.
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Yuk WG it’s when someone kisses you with whiskey breath , yes I know I should be so lucky 🤢


                  We used to have spam fritters. Definitely not one of my favourites. My mum occasionally cooked tripe and onions for my dad (in milk I think). The smell was bad enough. Never tried eating it.

                  I quite like liver now but detested it when I was younger. It’s very easy to over cook and goes rubbery and hard. We quite often have a ham hock. Boil for an hour then roast for an hour cooking roast potatoes in the bacon fat. GSs ate the whole hock one evening and left us with no tea.

                  when we lived in London a friend was amazed to find that I had never eaten mixed seafood so she bought me a “ plate of mixed”. Not sure what it was (cockle, winkle or a whelk possibly) but it felt disgusting in my mouth. Just couldn’t swallow it and eventually had to spit it out.


                    Never had spam fritters but I liked spam sandwich which my friend would bring to school for break time. Never had it at home. All offal makes my stomach churn, and white fish for some reason.
                    Egg white makes me reach but ok when mixed in. Swede too is a no thank you.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      [QUOTE=Plantaholic;n95531]Wouldn't be able to eat tripe, mussels, oysters, eels.

                      I wouldn't be able to eat those either plant.

                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        I quite liked spam fritters!

                        I like liver, but OH isn't keen and mostly a cook it slowly on a very low heat to make treats for Eva!!!

                        I have only has jellied eels once and that was enough, ditto roll-mop herrings, but generally I love fish.

                        Grauntie - I find a little egg white goes a long way - I can't manage 2 boiled eggs!

                        I don't like fat on meat at all - not even crackling on pork.

                        I used to hate beetroot, but quite like it now. I grew white beetroot in the allotment one year and liked that, so it persuaded me to try the ordinary red sort.

                        I really, really don't like coconut, or the smell of it in any shape or form!
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Never fancied Sea food at all but as I'm Allergic and have epi pens in case of contact in any shape or form , I think my body told me not to try them ,
                          I like Rabbit
                          GM I'm a bit iffy with egg white , I will eat it but prefer if its mixed together with the yolk , sometimes it sort of tickles the back of my throat , Ok with salad cream on , although I do like a soft boiled egg , so its strange maybe its all in my mind and selective liking
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma - no I think there's something slightly dodgy about egg whites. They're mostly water with some proteins in, like albumins, that provide extra nutrition for the growth of the chick if the egg is fertilised. More people are allergic to the whites than the yokes.

                            I think there are people who can't have certain medicines because of there being egg white in them.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Love seafood...used to go cockling locally when I was younger, Poole Bay cockles are the best, yummy., Never tried tripe, just don’t like the look of it, hate any sort of fat on meat, although I like fish I can’t eat sushi, it has to be cooked. Otherwise, there’s not much else I don’t eat. Oh, I like coconut but not desiccated. I’m sure I’ll think of something else.
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

