Never noticed Hershey bars in Asda Oma, will have a look next time I am in there.
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I love it all too much so rarely buy it except for a small treat! OH loves it too. No point in having it in the house as it will go! I do buy little pots of Rolo deserts and things like that as they are low in calories because of their size and one of those a day is all I allow myself.Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot
After living not too far from a Cadbury's Factory and the smell drafting into our Road/House depending which way the wind was blowing I can say I can live without Milk Chocolate but when it comes to dark chocolate that is a different thing altogether I buy the Moser Roth Dark Mint from Aldi at the week-end and have a 3 sectioned bar most evenings,in fact I think I shall have one now
as it is calling me from the fridge.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous