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Ten foods you can safely eat AFTER their use-by dates revealed

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    Ten foods you can safely eat AFTER their use-by dates revealed

    Milk: Pasteurised milk will keep 50 per cent longer if you store it at a lower temperature. Try storing at the back of the fridge rather than the fridge door. If your milk has gone sour, use it to make pancakes

    Eggs: According to a report by food scientist Dana Gunders, eggs can last for three to five weeks. But they have to be kept at a temperature below 5C (41F), as that helps prevent potential growth of Salmonella enteritidis.

    Sugary foods: Anything with a large amount of sugar, such as jams or honeys, are safe to be consumed.

    German sauerkraut and Korean kimchi: Safe as as they are foods which has been preserved through salting, curing or drying.

    Crisps: While they may have gone soft, crisps are highly processed and loaded with salt so are safe to be consumed.

    Biscuits: Like crisps, biscuits are also highly processed and thus can be consumed long after their sell-by date. If they taste soft or soggy simply pop them in the oven to get them crunchy again.

    Dry pasta: Dry goods such as uncooked pasta, as long as it is stored in airtight containers, can keep indefinitely

    Bread: Keep it in the freezer and it will last for ages. Just make sure you cut out the mouldy bits if you spot any.

    Canned foods: Extend the shelf life of canned products by storing them in a cool and dark area.

    Packaged salad: As long as your salad leaves haven't gone mouldy (wilted and mouldy are very different) simply revive them in ice-cold water

    Chocolate: Chocolate can last a long time often develops a white coating, known as the 'bloom', when it's exposed to the air. This happens because the fat melts and rises to the top.

    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

    Chocolate !

    Who has chocolate past its use by date
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Lol Mimi that tickled me!


        In our house we do not put eggs in the fridge. We have an egg safe. I write ia number in felt tip on the egg if there are eggs already in there, lowest number needs to be used first. Of course this makes no difference to husband who just uses any old egg willy nilly. I don't eat crisps or anything like that very often but even if they were OK but soggy past their sell by date I don't think I would like to eat them if they weren't actually crisp. Same with biscuits. I vacuum pack pasta so it will last for ever, even probably through a nuclear war, and I buy a large crusty loaf from the baker on a Saturday morning and freeze it in three batches so at some point in the month I don't have to go to the baker! Chocolate? Left over? Well sometimes I have cooking chocolate hiding in places but not often.....................

        I think there are a lot of foods which we have been programmed over the years to believe is bad because it is out of date. For instance my sister will only keep cheddar cheese for one week and then it goes in the bin, why? With hard cheese I find that if it gets a bit odd on the outside you can easily slice it all off and the inside cheese is absolutely fine. Mind you I am a very keen keeper of stuff. I even keep gravy and put in pots in the freezer. I keep a list inside one of my cupboard doors with what is in the freezer and everything is meticulously labelled. See I may not do a lot of housework (MT) but there are some things I am particular about
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          I freeze milk the semi skimmed kind, also cheese usually grate it in batches


            I freeze bananas with brown skins (removed) as no-one will eat them. I put them in my breakfast smoothie.I also freeze left over egg whites, lemon juice if the lemon looks wrinkly, herbs from the garden, especially parsley, washed, squeezed dry and chopped. Left over cheese sauce, mashed spuds fact I don't think I chuck much away really. Now the DDs, that's another story. Such waste.
            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
            Eleanor Roosevelt.


              Originally posted by Mimi View Post
              Chocolate !

              Who has chocolate past its use by date
              Certainly not in this house Mimi.
              Must admit, I don't like crisps that have gone soft,i put them out for the birds.Bread goes in the freezer, and I just take a few slices out at a time.In fact, I don't think we waste much at all.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

