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Finally used my bread maker
I think Lakeland do a slicer cum storage thingy.
I sometimes find the top part of the loaf is a bit crumbly and if I've forgotten to sharpen the knife I end up with slices that look more like mountain ranges!
It's definitely the taste of home-made bread that drives me to make it, but i should try and be a bit more adventurous with different types of bread!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Well, that was the funniest raisin loaf I have ever seen!
The fruit is added after the other ingredients. A bleep sounds to tell you when to add it. However, no hint as to when this will happen. I didn't hear it, and realised that the bread was almost at bake stage! I added it and stirred it in, not easy at that stage. The result is rather lopsided, fruit concentrated on one side!! Luckily it tastes nice, and GD asked for a second slice this morning.
I looked online, and found many people having the same experience as I did. Some just added the rasins along with the other ingredients next time , and others added them partway through kneading, both methods reported to work fine!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown