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Fed up with Cooking!

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    I cooked the creamy mustard pork with mixed mushrooms, etc, last night. It was really quick and easy to do, although a bit of a scramble to get it all on the plates - I should have started the rice a bit sooner than I did. OH enjoyed it, and definitely something I shall make again.

    Plant, I was equally bored even though I'm cooking for two, but this has given me a new perspective and I'm enjoying trying some new meals.

    Recipes from this book are made from scratch on "Jamie's 5 Ingredient Meals" on Channel 4. I think last night (Monday) was the first one.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Plant I so agree about the cooking for one. It just seems too much effort to go to so I’m afraid I just stick to the basics and never venture out of my comfort zone.
      Daisy well done on breaking through your boredom threshold! Your meals sound delicious.


        Clover, I can't take any real credit for the meals - they really are so easy, and most of them seem suitable for freezing, so you could make a recipe for 2 or 4 and freeze the spares for another feast another day.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          In my new-found spirit of adventure in the kitchen (cough, cough) last night I decided to try a new curry recipe. I skimmed through the ingredients, and yes I had them all, and I thought how hard can a "carrot curry" be!

          OH mentioned that our neighbour was on his own as his wife was away caring for grand children, and should he invite him to eat with us. Yes, of course, I said, knowing that the recipe was for 4 servings. This was about 5.15. A bit later OH reminded me "don't forget I'm going out at quarter to seven". No pressure on chef then.

          I got to work, getting all the ingredients lined up and putting the rice on. Panic when I couldn't find the tin of coconut milk I was sure I had, but eventually I found it. Then I read the actual recipe and saw the carrots and onion needed to be roasted first. More panic. Never have carrots been peeled so quickly and with so little concern for the safety of fingers. But I followed the recipe and got everything cooked and, thank goodness, it was perfectly edible, if a little mild. And OH got to his meeting in time. Phew!

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            I often do cook a dish that serves up to four. I eat one, refrigerate one for next day then freeze the others.

            I do occasionally buy Wiltshire Farm Foods ready meals but they are getting increasingly expensive and I even prefer M and S or Tesco ready meals. I only buy WFF now if they haven’t had an order from me for a while and send me a voucher! I only usually have one ready meal a week ,if that.


              I found a nice meal recipe and tried it. You put a whole cauliflower to boil then add pasta when boiling. Drain when cooked and pour over a white sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Bacon is nice on top. That will do me two days. I always keep a Spice Taylor in, very easy and tasty.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Clover, it sounds to me that you're doing very well with cooking for one and are getting plenty of variety. I confess if I'm in on my own I'll often do something really easy like mushrooms on toast, or even a jam sandwich!

                Pklant, I hadn't heard of Spice Taylor, but I've just Googled it and it sounds a very useful standby to have.

                Do you leave our cauliflower whole or break it into florets? I sounds quick and easy.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Daisy, I break my cauliflower up but not too small. I can certainly recommend Spice Taylor, you just have to add the meat or fish. They come in lots of different curries. A good standby.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant, many thanks - they do sound good.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Oh I love cooking. Trouble is, so does OH. So we ‘disagree’ about who gets to cook or plan especially when people come.
                      Agree that Jamie Oliver is gold. So inventive and excellent ingredients. The one who drives me mad is Yotam Otolengi. Hundreds of strange ingredients and lots of chilli which I cannot eat as it makes me very poorly.


                        Sum1, as a reluctant cook I've only watched Yotam Otelengi once. Way above my head. My other non-favourite is Nigella Lawson who also seems to use obscure ingredients. I'm sure these are readily available in Harrods, but it's rather a trek for me to go there!

                        I sympathise about the chilli as I have another friend who has the same problem with garlic. Eating out can be very difficult for her.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I hate Garlic it turns my stomach just the smell yuk
                          Nigella always has just the right ingredients late at night to whip up something decadent,
                          If that was us we wouldn’t be able to whip up a chocolate melt in the middle bomb or rich Chocolate cake ,
                          Wewould end up with a bit of Dairy milk or a biscuit
                          Don’t get me started on her Fresh fig and balsamic tart to cobble together when unexpected guests come at 8pm at night 😱

                          Although I always have fresh figs in this time of year as I love them , but you come to my door at 8pm you get a cupper and maybe the biscuit barrel will come out 🤣

                          Ive never seen Otelengi I will google him 😁
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma, do you find it difficult to eat out avoiding garlic?

                            I had to laugh at your Nigella examples. I'm shocked you don't whip up exotic feasts at the drop of a hat or the ring of the doorbell!!! .
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Tonight I did my new Jamie Oliver recipe for this week - Rogue Ratatouille Risotto. As always with risotto, it needed pretty much constant attention with adding liquid bit by bit and stirring. As suggested in the recipe I used frozen char grilled mediterranean vegetables - but the book said 700g and the bag was only 500! I was surprised how good the vegetables smelt as I put them in the pan.

                              JO describes it as a meeting of French and Italian food, but I felt it was more Italian, but with more veggies it might taste different.

                              Very easy to do, apart from being tied to the pan, stirring. I'd make it again.

                              The recipe called for goat cheese, and as I was chopping it up I gave a little bit to Eva. I think she was expecting one of our normal cheeses which she loves, but her face was a picture of surprise and delight. Needless to say, she got a bit more in her bowl.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Daisy, my DIL1 has all Jamie's books, I am sure she would come home with one after their holiday in the UK last week.

                                I am deciding on what to cook this evening for myself. I will go to the supermarket later on today and make my choice!

