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'Energy Drinks'

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    'Energy Drinks'

    So called. In fact some of them contain as much as 20 teaspoons full of sugar for every 500ml. The worst offenders were Sainsbury's Orange Energy Drink and Rockstar Punched Energy. Many of them contain high amounts of caffeine as well. Professor Graham MacGregor whose specialism is cardiovascular medicine said

    Every supermarket sells this stuff as do many smaller corner shops.

    Children are being deceived into drinking large amounts of this stuff thinking they are going to improve their performance in school or elsewhere. In reality all they are doing is increasing their risk of developing obesity or Type 2 diabetes.

    After many a long year there is strict legislation about the marketing of cigarettes.

    It's my view that we need the same for all these 'energy aka sugar' drinks as well as soft drinks which contains stratospheric amounts of sugar.

    What's your view?

    its alarming the amount of fizzy drinks young people drink every day, what's wrong with water for goodness sake.
    I have seen children drinking pop on the way to school, then again on the way home. Also some shops do " lunch deals" with the offer of a sandwich with a fizzy drink !
    When I was a child fizzy pop was a treat , birthdays and holidays and of course Christmas was about the only time we had some.
    I don't think children need high engry drinks, if they eat a varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veg children will naturally have more than enough engry to keep them going, just try asking many a worn out parent or grandparent .
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      I agree Fruit Shoots give the wrong impression making you think its fruit its never seen fruit its all additives and the odd time my g/d has had them as a treat she has been hyper all day!!!!!!


        Energy just means calories, but most people don't realise this Water or dilute fruit juice is fine!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          When I used to have school children in for events when my office was in a building where there were huge meeting rooms, they would bring in their own lunch and I would ban coloured and fizzy drinks. You could see the change in them after lunch and it wasn't good. We have also banned them at Time to Shine although with 150 kids inevitably some manage to get them out of the machines BUT we do have an agreement with the lodge where the children sleep in dorms to turn off the drinks machines in the lobby overnight.

          Yes Mimi - a treat, when the Corona man came to the door!!!!
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

