Next Saturday is our DS1's birthday. They can't do anything to celebrate because their garden is being redone and is just a sea of mud at the moment, so we offered to do a barbecue here. It will have to be on the Sunday as GS1 has got his theory driving test on the Saturday.
Well, in the nature of these things, it's become more than just a family get together. DS1 has had the worst year of his life and is still facing a huge battle with his health, so we wanted to make it as special as possible. So we've invited DS2 and girls, DIL1's mum and dad, plus their OHs (divorced and both remarried) plus a friend from his uni days with his wife and DDs, and possible another old friend and his OH. So - 18 to 20 people, socially distanced in the garden.
We've got a gazebo with open sides and a very large umbrella thingy, and although the forecast isn't great, it's not 100% guaranteed rain. My huge dilemma is what to feed everybody?
Originally we were going to do a barbecue, but I think that's too many for OH to cook for, so I'm looking at doing a buffet - hot or cold. I need ideas for dishes I can do large scale, preferably a day or two ahead, and easy!
All suggestions are welcome - please!
Well, in the nature of these things, it's become more than just a family get together. DS1 has had the worst year of his life and is still facing a huge battle with his health, so we wanted to make it as special as possible. So we've invited DS2 and girls, DIL1's mum and dad, plus their OHs (divorced and both remarried) plus a friend from his uni days with his wife and DDs, and possible another old friend and his OH. So - 18 to 20 people, socially distanced in the garden.
We've got a gazebo with open sides and a very large umbrella thingy, and although the forecast isn't great, it's not 100% guaranteed rain. My huge dilemma is what to feed everybody?
Originally we were going to do a barbecue, but I think that's too many for OH to cook for, so I'm looking at doing a buffet - hot or cold. I need ideas for dishes I can do large scale, preferably a day or two ahead, and easy!
All suggestions are welcome - please!
