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Breakfast food dislikes

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    Breakfast food dislikes

    Not so much dislikes but strange quirks with food ,
    Tonight B and myself were watching old reruns of 4 in a bed , we got talking about Breakfast when we are away ,
    This is the only time B will eat Breakfast he will have Apple juice and a Danish or toast first then a full English ,
    Never eats Breakfast at home

    I on the other hand always have Breakfast but usually only something like toast or High fibre cereal like Bran flakes or Wheetabix
    When we are away I always start with a bowl of fruit then a cooked Breakfast of Sausage , Bacon Black pudding and beans ,

    The one thing I NEVER eat while im away is Eggs of any kind ,

    Its not that I don't like eggs I just cant eat them in a B&B or a Hotel Restaurant ,

    Im ok eating them at home or in someone's home if we stay , but just for some reason cant bring myself to eat them in these establishments ,
    I have no idea why I just cant ,

    Its not that I have had a bad experience eating eggs in a B&B or Restaurant its just my little quirk

    I dont eat a lot of eggs anyway so no great loss but it is strange , another thing I cant stand on a cooked Breakfast is any kind of tomatoes
    again I love tomatoes just not on a Breakfast ,

    Although I am reliable informed by B that Daisys Flambeed Tomatoes are delicious

    I am very Odd at times

    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Oma, i think we all have our little foibles.
    When we have a full english,home or away i liked tinned tomatoes on,not fresh ones.
    Bacon is never like ours when we are away,so i might just have one rasher.
    I like poached egg on toast for breakfast when on holiday, but will have a fried egg at a push.
    We often have poached egg on toast at home, for an evening snack.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      I love breakfast
      Breakfasting out is one of my favourite things.

      As Nan2 says Oma, we all have our quirks. OH is like you regarding tomatoes on breakfast, but with her it's baked beans. She likes baked beans in any other setting, but not on a breakfast at home or out!
      The only thing I wouldn't eat is black pudding.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        For me staying in a hotel or B&B breakfast is a highlight of the day! I love it.

        I start off with fresh fruit with some muesli and yoghurt. I love trying anything that looks a bit different. Then I'll have bacon (which is usually a bit disappointing, to be honest), an egg, a few beans, loads of tomatoes and black pudding. I don't often have sausages and can't stand those miserable little mushrooms most hotels serve, although I love 'proper' ones. I also steer clear of hash browns, waffles etc. Then wholemeal toast and marmalade.

        When we've been to America my all-time treat is Sunday brunch in somewhere like Ruby Tuesdays - wonderful!

        Nanto - I often choose poached egg on toast when I meet my college friends for lunch (in the good old days before Covid!) It's the only way I can eat two whole eggs, usually one is more than enough.

        Oma - I'm glad my flambeed tomatoes made a lasting impression on B.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Odd isnt it ,
          I cant eat mixed food on a fork , if we are having say a dinner with maybe peas and carrots etc I cant eat two food types or more at the same time ,
          I will eat all my peas then all my carrots then my sprouts and so on ,
          Yet im fine eating them together in Broth or soup

          I must admit I love going out for Breakfast too ( without the egg )

          Daisy I also love Mushrooms but not Hotel ones they are those grey out of a tin kind yuk
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, it is odd. I hadn't thought about it but I tend to eat one food item at a time, unless it's something like you need the mashed potatoes to glue the peas to your fork to get them safely from plate to mouth!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy I never eat Peas outside the home either ,
              I shake so much everyone gets one and then the table so its safer not to eat them ,
              I sometimes have to use a spoon to get them safely into my mouth , not a good look in a Restaurant is it
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, I would love to have one of your peas. I am not a cooked breakfast lover, I quite like poached eggs with smoked salmon if I am on holiday in an hotel. At home I usually have Dorset cereal, toast or porridge with 2 cups of tea. I do prefer a fruit and yogurt type breakfast if I am away.
                Must try Daisy's flamed tomatoes.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  I just can't eat porridge at all we had it as youngsters and you could cement a wall with it.
                  When staying away I always make sure I have a Full English I just love being catered for and served at a table.
                  Eggs benidict are a favourite at a local cafe here in New Brighton and I will often order them for lunch when able to go.
                  When abroad I enjoy all the fresh fruit offered and cold cuts,followed by toast and a couple of cups of good coffee.
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    I love Eggs Benedict Glamma!
                    Like Daisy when away I tend to have fruit and yogurt to start ,then something cooked, then maybe a croissant.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gemini it is so funny when out with DD and maybe a couple of her pals when I order eggs benedict DD says to her pals "oh oh my mum has turned into Hyacinth Beauquet"
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Originally posted by Glammanana View Post
                        Gemini it is so funny when out with DD and maybe a couple of her pals when I order eggs benedict DD says to her pals "oh oh my mum has turned into Hyacinth Beauquet"

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)

