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Breakfast and lunch

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    Breakfast and lunch

    In our house we take turns to make the main meal, which we call tea or dinner ( depending what we feel like saying LOL) This is eaten in the early evening generally.

    The other two meals, breakfast and lunch, are generally made by the person who is eating it, for themselves.

    We each make our own breakfast (Although I make a pot of coffee for us both) The only exception to this would be a cooked breakfast almost unheard of in our house, or if we are both having croissants. Otherwise it's get your own.

    Lunch is the same, we almost always do our own individual thing.
    Occasionally if one of us is making cheese on toast or boiling hard boiled eggs for a sandwich we may ask the other if they want the same, otherwise DIY, like breakfast.

    I was thinking about this and wondering if what is the norm for us is for others? Do other ladies who live with someone make their own food for the two meals which are not the main meal? Or does one of you prepare the meal for both of you?
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    B doesnt eat Breakfast but always has mine ready for when I get up ,

    Lunch we very rarely have the same thing so we make our own but eat together ,
    like today I had seeded brown bread with ham on and my usual Yoghurt and fruit
    B had white bread with a fried egg and half a grapefruit , so we make our own

    He makes all the tea/dinner meal we eat about 5-5.30
    On the odd occasion we will have something different but he always prepares both .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Whichever one of us is downstairs first,sets the table,cereals, dishes,plates,spoons and bread.
      Then,take your pick,cereals or toast or both.

      We have dinner (never called it lunch)about 1.30 I always make it, and we both have the same meal.
      Later in the afternoon we always have a cup of tea with cake or biscuits.

      About 7.30 in the evening we have something to eat. This could be any of the following.
      Egg on toast,soup,sandwich,toasted currant teacake, beans on toast.
      Tonight it will be a chicken,stuffing and mayo sandwich.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        We make our own breakfasts, but OH makes a pot of tea. For lunch, We usually have a sandwich and a piece of cheese for Eva. I usually make it but sometimes OH does it. Today was unusual, we had a prawn salad which I made.

        I always cook cook dinner though, whatever we are having.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Whoever is in the kitchen first starts getting breakfast, but not before the cat has been given hers first otherwise we won't have our breakfast in peace.
          We usually have cereal or toast but if I am first up I do sometimes make porridge. We have tea to drink but I also have a glass of cranberry juice.
          At about 1 - 2 pm we have dinner/lunch always cooked by me . Today for example we had spaghetti bolognese , made with quorn mince . Tomorrow we are having plaice.
          At 5pm we watch the Chase whilst having a cup of tea with a sandwich or perhaps a scone.
          I rarely eat anything else after that because of my hernia otherwise I have to spend the night sitting up in bed!
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            We've always done our own thing for breakfast and lunch, but I'm now finding that OH forgets to eat, so I try and make him a sandwich at lunchtime so I know he's eating something. I rarely eat anything for breakfast and OH will have toast/bread and marmalade. Quite often we'll have a slice of cake or a bun with a coffee in the afternoon.

            Unless we're having a takeaway or are eating out( remember those days?) I cook an evening meal. We don't always have the same meal though! We eat lateish, always have because OH worked in London and didn't get home much before 6.30ish.
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              Oh yes Mimi, cat's breakfasts come first!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Mimi and Gem - so does the dog's. Eva expects hers as soon as she goes downstairs, no matter what time it is.

                WeeGranny - Oh, I remember those days of my OH coming in at all times of the evening. Sometimes I'd plate his up and I'd eat with the children and my mum when she lived with us, and other times I'd wait and cook something different for OH and me. We never had any routine.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  My ex OH worked in theatre for many years and he never ate with us apart from Sundays and Christmas, for several years! ! Sometimes he made himself something like an omelette when he got in, but often had what we had, microwaved later. I always ate with the kids at 5 to 6 ish, as it was far too late for me to eat together.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I have always made my own breakfast but J always made me a cup of tea as soon as I got up then coffee throughout the rest of the day.
                    Lunch time I would snack on either yogurt and fruit J would enjoy a wedge of cheese and some crisps or rivita.
                    I would always make the evening meal or J would make one of his curries/chilli's and rice eaten between 6-6.30.
                    Now I eat later at night about 7ish and always something nice & easy M&S comes in very handy during the week no waste for me.
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Glamm - I like to aim to eat about 7 ish these days. We don't feel like eating earlier usually unless we've skipped lunch, but I don't like to leave it too late or we would have any relaxing time afterwards.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)

