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    When shopping at the supermarket I seem to buy lots of bread usually for the freezer I can bake my own but I am lazy, I bought a farmhouse loaf and get it sliced in store, I only eat wholemeal usually a seeded one, French sticks for soup and mopping up, ciabbatis for sandwiches croutons sometimes G/d likes them so that's 5different breads am I crackers or what pardon the pun what do you buy I am nosy

    I don't eat bread very often,in fact, hardly ever! So OH buys bread from M&S a couple of times a week. Sometimes I buy a GI loaf from the local baker but that's about it. Naan bread when we have a curry and maybe a baguette on the odd occasion.
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      We buy a white loaf, and OH has brown bread, seeded or similar, I also bring in nice buns or baguette, I don't like your "usual" white loaf bread for a sandwich, sometimes wraps, we try to vary it, bread doesn't seem to last long now, I would love to make my own bread but I would eat it all,
      Last edited by Pearl5; 28-04-2015, 06:20 PM.
      How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


        We have one white loaf and one brown loaf per week and that is more than enough for us. I split a loaf in half, put one half in the bread bin and the other in the freezer, if I didn't do that it would go stale .
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Brian usually makes our bread but hasn't for a few weeks not been up to it but when I buy bread we go for Rye , Pumpernikle, anything with seeds in, I love Cranberry bread too . Sometimes we buy a small white sliced for beans on toast . I buy Artisan buns too and love Bagels . We not a lover of sliced white I must say it smells a bit funny to me but as I say ok toasted .. I tend to buy bread daily and it depends what we having that day what type I buy Bread goes stale quickly so if we bought a large loaf it would end up in the bin . Some days we don't have any . I do like sandwiches for lunch I must admit, maybe a Bagel with cream cheese and tomatoes or Rye with Peppered German Salami or Pate mmmm
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            I buy a sliced white bloomer on a Saturday morning and freeze half so some weeks I just use from the freezer. Husband takes sandwiches and quite likes those Warburtons Thins which I detest. I only ever eat bread as toast for breakfast or when I come in from a day of meetings and no food I will have toast and cheese to keep me going. I never buy supermarket bread. I do not make my own unless we have a dinner party (rare these days) or people around for a BBQ or similar. Husband has long been teasing about buying a bread maker for me, I have long told him if he does he is a dead man.
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              We love seeded bread,but only buy small loaves being the two of us,and Hubs eat's much more bread than me.I prefer Ryvita with a nice filling. Hubs does make white bread but the breadmaker I bought him Christmas 2013 doesn't get the amount of use or experimenting I was hoping for.
              "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                I love bread, adore it in all its forms but it doesn't love me and I put on too much weight when I eat more than a slice a day. I used to bake my own, but we ate it it was so delicious, so the bread maker is in the garage. I cannot eat carbs as I used to as they just go on my stomach! OH of course can eat most of anything he likes without putting on weight Having seen come recent photos, I am now NOT eating any bread at all, ever, never
                Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                  My OH is Brian's soulmate. He's made all our own bread since the bakers' strike in 1975. I really can't eat shop bread now - if you look at the list of additives it's easy to see why. Although there are some local bakers who still bake properly.

                  Our son and SiL both make all their own bread too. OH does nearly all those mentioned by Oma and has recently been including a lot of spelt in the mix. He also makes a wonderful olive and rosemary bread, ones with walnuts, apricots, and a whole range of seeds.

                  The only thing he's not tackled is a sourdough, but watch this space. Oh and he makes Brian's rye bread too.


                    Do you use a bread maker or just your own bare hands, I have thought about buying a bread maker but not sure if I would use it a lot.....
                    How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                      Minny Brian often does Sourdough (well not recent ) its lovely , Pearls I think im right in saying Minny`s hubby is like Brian all done by hand
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        I've got a bread maker and I use it all the time. I hardly ever buy bread and when I do, it tastes horrid - really chemically-y. I generally make half-and-half white/wholemeal. I bung other things in - sunflower, pumpkin, sesame or flax seeds, extra bran - whatever is in the cupboard. OH loves the cinnamon and dried fruit loaf but that take 4 hours to make so I don't do it often. I don't bother to make rolls and usually keep a couple of packets in the freezer just in case.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          No no no to bread makers! Easier by hand - mind you the hands are assisted by the dough hook in the Kenwood chef. Once you get the hango the timings, start the yeast off early let it work, let it rise, let it prove, the whole process is fitted in between everything else. Doesn't take long at all, just five minute bursts of activity between other things. Impressed with Brian's sourdough.


                            Minny - I agree in principle - but in practice I can think I've got half a day at home and could fit in making some bread, but then things seem to happen and it all goes to pot! I put the bread maker on when I start preparing dinner and a rapid bake takes just under 2 hours, so I can take the loaf out later in the evening and it cools overnight ready for the next day. I don't like using it while it' still warm because it doesn't cut well. I really ought to try some different sorts of bread, but the 50-50 is literally our daily bread - toast, sandwiches, breadcrumbs, whatever.

                            I haven't got a Kenwood Chef or any other kind of mixer - so I really would be doing it by hand.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              I agree Daisy, bread is bread, by hand or bread maker I used to make bread as a student ( no bread makers in those days!) and loved doing it. If I did it now I think I would use a bread maker .
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

