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    We were talking today about how versatile Chicken is .
    As I have said before im not a great Red meat eater , I will eat it but its not my first choice ,
    Chicken on the other hand I will willingly eat in any form , It can be used in almost everything when you think about it ,
    We but Chicken breasts and Thighs for different meals and I also but Drum sticks for the Dog he eats them raw ,

    But my favourite is a whole chicken roasted ,,
    A roasted Chicken for us can do at least 3 meals , We use the Breast meat to serve as main meal with Veg or chips and for Sandwiches , The dark meat ( that I cant eat alone ) gets used in home made soup or Curry,
    Im not a lover of chicken skin like B is and I cant eat it on the bone just my little quirk , but otherwise I love it ,

    I am unlike B a lover of Turkey , when he has a steak I often buy Turkey steaks for myself ,
    Wrapped in Tin foil a little knob of butter salt & Pepper with slices of lemon in the oven and it comes out juicy and succulent ,

    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    We eat a lot of chicken too Oma.
    I can't eat beef in any form , and although we do eat pork and lamb, not that often. Chicken and fish are our staples, with maybe a couple of veggie meals a week.

    As you say, chicken is so versatile. If you had to cook it every day there are so many ways it would take a long time before it became repetitive!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      We buy packs of cooked chicken pieces for our cats, to supplement their cat food. They all love it!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Being just one, I don't do a roast, very rarely eat red meat. I eat fish a couple of days, also chicken, I make casserole with chicken thighs and freeze most of it in one portions. I quite like turkey too Oma.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          We’re not big red meat eaters either. We eat mainly fish and chicken. As you say Oma it’s so versatile, I make curries, sweet and sour, put it in pasta. We also eat meat free meals at least once a week, pasta or rice dishes. I try to vary it as much as I can, luckily DH will eat anything.
          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


            I'm not keen on red meat either!

            I often buy chicken to make stir fries. I love stir fries as you can chuck in almost anything edible and end up with something tasty. My other regular chicken dish is breasts cooked in foil parcels with various things added such as lemons, garlic, onions, sun dried tomato paste with basil, or a touch of chilli.

            I usually use thighs for a casserole.

            I don't often do a whole roast, but when I do I wonder why I don't do it more often - there are always plenty of leftovers for the next day!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              I love chicken in any way or form,we buy at least 3 a week small ones from Aldi,1 for the two dogs which J cooks and slices up for them to mix with their dried food and 2 x for us which I slice for salad or sandwiches also for stir fry mid week I'm not too fond of steaks except the ocassional fillet and we do tend to have a liking for lamb but really when we do buy a leg we have to freeze half with there just being the two of us.
              I had a chicken recipe book bought for me once I think it was from M&S it has numerous ideas for chicken I never ever got right through it and somehow it got mislaid when we moved.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                I wish I liked chicken but I don’t, I find it very bland , but I eat it now and again as I know it’s good for me but I’m a beef girl myself


                  It looks like our dinner today will be chicken breasts cooked in foil parcels. I just have to decide what tasty bits to add!
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)

