Just heard that this morning one off our nieces had a fire start in her bedroom , she had gone into the shower after dropping the children off to school and Nursery when she came out her bedding was on fire , she had left a hand mirror on the bed and the low sun had bounced off the mirror and started a fire , lucky she was able to put it out and only the bedding was damaged but she did get a fright , she said she had heard about this type of thing happening but didn't think a low winter sun could actually do that , Just as well she was at home and hadn't gone to work , scary isn't it
Something similar happened to me several years ago. I had a glass paperweight on the window sill and the envelope near it was waiting to be posted but started to burn. Luckily I was in the room (doing housework for goodness sake!) and semelled burning but it took a while to figure out where it was coming from. The envelope was very near the curtains and they got singed a bit but nothing serious happened.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Timely warning! I moved my mirror back to the window sill this morning thinking the sun wouldn't be a problem at this time of year. Perhaps I had better move it back to the dressing table!
OH drove a lady who was complaining about the cost of fire doors when they built an extension. She later told him that after he dropped her off she found the bedroom in the extension burnt out because of a glass ornament left on the window sill and the fire doors saved the rest of the house.
Glad your niece was ok and no-one was hurt.xx
Oma - how scary and what a good job your niece was there to deal with the fire so quickly.
It seems as though glass and mirrors need to be out of the sun.
We nearly had a fire one winter's day. The woodburner was lit and we'd got a good supply of logs in to keep it stoked up. GS1 said he could smell burning but at first no-one else could. Then we realised the logs that were closest to the woodburner had started to smoulder. We're very careful now to make sure there's a good gap between the stove and the logs.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
It's scary how easy things like this happen.
Not sure who told me but a few years ago a young woman was in her bedroom drying her hair with her hairdryer when there was a power cut . Without any thought she put the hair dryer on her bed with out unplugging it or even turning it off, she left it there and went to work. When the power did eventually turn back on , the hair dryer started back up and as it got hotter it started to burn the bedding, eventually setting the bedroom on fire. Luckily no one was in the house at the timeBring me sunshine in your smile.
There was a picture on facebook recently showing where a young girl had put her iphone on to charge and then put it under her pillow despite being told not to do it. Caused burns to pillow and bed sheet. Her Dad was furious that she shrugged it off and seemed oblivious to how serious this could have been.xx