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Mother's teachings

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    I did the line fold too when had flat sheets
    Glam is it a pressure iron with the tank sort of thing ? I have had one for about 5 yrs I couldn't go back to a ordinary steam iron now , they not cheap but they are worth every penny you pay love mine the steam pressure is really strong and never have to iron back of t shirts or duvet covers ,
    Oh Glam just realised is it like they use in dry cleaners you can iron while they hang up ? I had one of those it wasn't for me I couldn't get the hang of it , I have also had one of those that you put things in pull the lid down like a press didn't like that either took so long getting things in right shape before pulled press down I could do 10 items the time it took to do 1 with that
    Last edited by Oma; 18-01-2016, 10:42 AM.
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Well seems I am in the minority here. I do not iron anything. My washing comes out of the washing machine and either straight on the line or in the tumble drier. Either way I find that then folding properly or hanging straight away nothing is creased therefore no need for ironing. I must confess that I never buy anything that would need ironing. I am always smartly dressed and no creases and definitely no ironing. And bedding is a definite no no. I do have an iron but it is gathering dust at the back of a cupboard---somewhere.


        Oh Mamma I iron everything the only thing I stopped ironing is hubby's socks it's a waste of time as if I give him them to put in draw he rolls them inside each other . I tumble mine but still can't just put them away I have to give them a once over with the iron , my sister is like you she irons nothing if she can get away with it 😊
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Yes Plant Mum ironed on the kitchen table, thick Army style blanket with a sheet over the top. A well scorched sheet I might add. Ironing is okay if I'm in the mood, like most other household jobs.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            Mama Mia, I iron nothing which doesn't need it! I hang a lot of my tops on hangers to dry and then straight back into the wardrobe. I mostly fold pyjamas T shirts etc rather than iron. I never iron towels, tea towels, socks, undies or anything like that.Some things just have to be ironed we find ,so you have purchased wisely as yours don' t
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              My youngest doesn't iron. Not sure if they even own one. Her theory is that the creases drop out via body heat and tbh you would never guess! She always looks fine.


                Come on ladies a book needs to be written here!!!


                  I iron as little as possible, and am not too critical of the odd crease, but when OH was working I always ironed his shirts. I well remember the day he'd run out of shirts and he offered to do all the ironing. He spent ages getting every last crease out of my brand new crinkle fabric blouse! lol

                  The only really stupid thing I iron is tea towels. I like the linen glass cloth ones and they sti in the drawer better and I'm sure they dry better when they are ironed!it
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Im very concerned about you Daisy, ironing t towels. Are you sure your not a closet bleach babe.
                    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                      LG - thanks for worrying about me, hun, but I promise there is no way I'd ever be a closet bleach babe! If I started to list all the jobs that a BB would do round our house every day that I've never, ever done in 20 years the list would be so long it would make GRU crash!!!

                      One small example - before Christmas (when we had lots of visitors) I intended to wash the cushion covers and throws in the living room, but never got round to it. Now with a hairy muddy dog sharing the sofa it's not worth bothering. Ever!
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I bought 3 very large throws at a reasonable price from Amazon, they are changed every few days as Shiloh sleeps on our sofa as well.
                        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                          LG - you put me to shame!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Our part time naughty boy is never allowed on our sofas for one thing he's too blooming big we couldn't get on as well , although for some reason he loves to put his smelly toys on the sofa they get kicked off pretty quick
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              I will try the folding of sheets etc on the line, when we get the right weather, just the other day i had sheets and got OH to help fold them, can't manage them myself, he pulls then really tight, ( I nearly go across the floor with me being so light on my feet) then fold, fold again...

                              I hate ironing with a passion, i dont know why because once i have the ironing board out i am OK doing it, i always put towels in the tumble dryer, even in the summer because they get so soft,

                              I always remember MIL telling me a tale about one of her friends who used to iron her OH's V Neck jumpers flat on the ironing board so he always had the V at the back of the jumper too, i was sitting thinking oh i do that, then realised i think she was being polite poor OH was walking around with a V at the back of his jumper, that has always stuck in my head, doesn't matter now though he does his own ironing....
                              How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                                I tumble my towels in the summer too Pearl they too rough on the line
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

