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In Laws!

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    In Laws!

    If you have in laws, how do you get on with them?
    Is your MIL a harridan, or like a mother to you? Do you have a good relationship with your SIL or DIL, or is it rather like walking on eggshells??
    run by Grandmothers for Grandmothers

    I didn't get on that well with my MIL, she was always resentful that I married her son. Now for SIL and DIL I am blessed, they are both wonderful, we get on very well.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      I wish I had in laws, but I'm too old and so is OH ! They have all departed but from what I hear H's mum was a real star and I would have loved to have met her.


        I think I must be incredibly lucky. My MIL was lovely - and a very wise lady - and my DILs are kind, loving and very good company.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          I don't have MIL or FIL now as both had died long before I met my OH. Her mum sounded a lovely lady!
          I got on OK with my ex MIL, but lets say I was glad she lived down south and not too close! She was inclined to interfere over the children which my mother would never do.
          I have 3 SILs, I love them all, especially my GDs dad, I love him to bits
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Bumping this up, as it is not showing on the list for some reason we have yet to ascertain!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              My in laws are still with us.Mum is 90 now and Dad is 87.I have always got on very well with them.They only live a couple of streets away,so see them often.2 days a week I do the housework for them.Must admit, sometimes Dad is a pain in the bum.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                My FiL died two weeks before our eldest was born, he was a nice chap. MiL lived until she was 94. She had a sharp tongue and was quite judgemental in some ways when I first knew her. However, she was a brilliant grandma and she mellowed a lot as grew older.

                Now I'm a MiL myself I try hard to remember the good things she did and copy them, and avoid the things that wound me up!


                  I had wonderful in laws,sadly gone many years now.But M.I.L was more like a Mother to me and made me feel a real part of the family.She was even known to take my side in an argument.
                  "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                    I have been very lucky in the In-Law department too. They were always kind and lovely with the GC's . Also my sisters in law x3 are people I would count as my best friends.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      My in laws were very old school and extremely prim and proper but didn't interfere too much so I was thankful for that after seeing how much damage my grandmother caused.


                        My husband is the product of much older parents, his mother was in her mid forties when she had him, he attended his sisters wedding as a baby! His dad died when husband was 21 so long gone when I came along. MIL was still alive when we were first together and we seemed to get on well until it was realised I was a fixture, his sister who lived with MIL, decided she couldn't have that and quickly managed to cause a split between husband, MIL and me. It was quite a nasty time for various reasons. Fortunately husband managed to quietly reconcile with her shortly before she died but I never bothered.

                        My own mother loved My husband. I think she thought of him as my greatest achievement (forget all the other things I have done) and was very creepy to him, dad was just dad. I think I am a good MIL. I don't interfere, babysit when I am asked if I can, make sure that all birthdays and important occasions are remembered. I am very friendly with both of my DILs not so much with my middle sons partner but I suspect that is more to do with him than her.
                        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                          Very interesting stories members have to tell. I have an ex husband who is Welsh, and his brother was not a fan of English people! His father was welcoming, but Mam tried to get her son back home to, as she put in a letter to him "marry a nice Welsh girl". :-) in the end it was just accepted I would be part of the family. Well until we divorced anyway. I remained quite good friends with my mother in law until she died at a very great age.
                          Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

