We got diverted into talking about our parents' education in Gem's thread about the York Chocolate Story and she mentioned that several members of her family had worked at Rowntrees, but her Mum worked in an office although she had left school at 14 (then the school leaving age).
My family on mum's side have quite a history with Rowntrees, but I have never set foot in the factory (a lot of which is luxury housing now!)
My grandfather worked on the factory floor. My uncle worked in the design department for them, before he emigrated to Australia. My 3 aunties on mum's side all worked on the production lines.
My mum, always different, was horrified at the idea of factory work and found herself an office job (where later she was to meet my dad
) when she left school at 14.
Then I commented that people seemed to have a good knowledge of the Three Rs:
Slightly off topic, but my parents also left school at 14, able to write neatly, spell accurately, use good grammar and do mental arithmetic, including Imperial weights and measures, and pounds/shilling/pence money. If would be great if all 18 year olds left school with those skills today.
Lizzie joined in, saying that her Mum had to leave school at 11 to earn money which I know happened in a lot of families.
Daisy, my mother had no schooling after her 11th birthday, she had to go and earn money!! I was always amazed at how well she could write, mental arithmetic etc etc. My father was from a good family, he was very well educated, his father had coal mines, my father was the youngest of them all.
It seems to sad to think that that generation didn't have much choice if the family needed the extra wage. I wonder if they felt cheated in any way, or was that just how it was.
My family on mum's side have quite a history with Rowntrees, but I have never set foot in the factory (a lot of which is luxury housing now!)
My grandfather worked on the factory floor. My uncle worked in the design department for them, before he emigrated to Australia. My 3 aunties on mum's side all worked on the production lines.
My mum, always different, was horrified at the idea of factory work and found herself an office job (where later she was to meet my dad

Then I commented that people seemed to have a good knowledge of the Three Rs:
Slightly off topic, but my parents also left school at 14, able to write neatly, spell accurately, use good grammar and do mental arithmetic, including Imperial weights and measures, and pounds/shilling/pence money. If would be great if all 18 year olds left school with those skills today.
Lizzie joined in, saying that her Mum had to leave school at 11 to earn money which I know happened in a lot of families.
Daisy, my mother had no schooling after her 11th birthday, she had to go and earn money!! I was always amazed at how well she could write, mental arithmetic etc etc. My father was from a good family, he was very well educated, his father had coal mines, my father was the youngest of them all.
It seems to sad to think that that generation didn't have much choice if the family needed the extra wage. I wonder if they felt cheated in any way, or was that just how it was.
