I am not referring to any of my DDs I hasten to add!
This is something which upsets and makes me so angry. I have wanted to post about it here for a while. I may have over mentioned this over the years in passing but not in any depth I don't think.
My SIL2 has lovely parents. We get on well with them at family gatherings and I used to meet his mum socially over the years. She now sadly has dementia so I only see her at family gatherings. She still knows us all and is friendly, but it's sad to see her changed as she is only in her 70's.
SIL has one sister, J.
She has lived in Greece since the age of 21. Her parents have always been there for her, financially (many times) emotionally, and practically. She runs a dance school and until the pandemic her mum, who was a talented dressmaker, made all the costumes for the annual shows . She and her OH drove all the costumes over to Greece each year, her mum fitted the clothes to the girls and did any alterations, her dad did any running repairs and laid a studio floor once. . They still visit Greece twice a year, at their own expense and effort, and neither are in good health. Her dad has a heart condition and has had prostate cancer.
J has a little girl, their GD, now 11. This child has never been to England, never been to her grandparents home, it is always the parents who have to do the travelling to see their GD.
This is all bad enough, but J is just useless as a DD. Never phones or messages and ignores her dad's messages and calls, and my SIL's too. Unless she wants something of course.
Never remembers Mothers Day, her parents birthdays or anniversary. Promises to come for Christmas but never does.
She is the proverbial waste of space. I feel so sorry for her parents. They don't deserve this. When he cant get hold of her her dad gets very worried, and he has enough to cope with looking after his OH. My DD2 is fuming about it all.
Since her mothers dementia diagnosis 18 months or do ago J is even less on the radar. Although we can see her posting random things on FB
She can't cope with it so just absents herself even more.
My SIL and DD are wonderful and support them a lot. Although they cant help with the GC any more DD makes sure they see them a lot. I cannot understand how their own DD does not care about her family, want to be there for them , to see her mum while she still knows who she is, or feel any form of responsibility for them.
My DD1, who went to the same secondary school as J and disliked her says she is a narcissist so won't have the same feelings as we do
This is something which upsets and makes me so angry. I have wanted to post about it here for a while. I may have over mentioned this over the years in passing but not in any depth I don't think.
My SIL2 has lovely parents. We get on well with them at family gatherings and I used to meet his mum socially over the years. She now sadly has dementia so I only see her at family gatherings. She still knows us all and is friendly, but it's sad to see her changed as she is only in her 70's.
SIL has one sister, J.
She has lived in Greece since the age of 21. Her parents have always been there for her, financially (many times) emotionally, and practically. She runs a dance school and until the pandemic her mum, who was a talented dressmaker, made all the costumes for the annual shows . She and her OH drove all the costumes over to Greece each year, her mum fitted the clothes to the girls and did any alterations, her dad did any running repairs and laid a studio floor once. . They still visit Greece twice a year, at their own expense and effort, and neither are in good health. Her dad has a heart condition and has had prostate cancer.
J has a little girl, their GD, now 11. This child has never been to England, never been to her grandparents home, it is always the parents who have to do the travelling to see their GD.
This is all bad enough, but J is just useless as a DD. Never phones or messages and ignores her dad's messages and calls, and my SIL's too. Unless she wants something of course.
Never remembers Mothers Day, her parents birthdays or anniversary. Promises to come for Christmas but never does.
She is the proverbial waste of space. I feel so sorry for her parents. They don't deserve this. When he cant get hold of her her dad gets very worried, and he has enough to cope with looking after his OH. My DD2 is fuming about it all.
Since her mothers dementia diagnosis 18 months or do ago J is even less on the radar. Although we can see her posting random things on FB

My SIL and DD are wonderful and support them a lot. Although they cant help with the GC any more DD makes sure they see them a lot. I cannot understand how their own DD does not care about her family, want to be there for them , to see her mum while she still knows who she is, or feel any form of responsibility for them.
My DD1, who went to the same secondary school as J and disliked her says she is a narcissist so won't have the same feelings as we do