Elisi is Cherokee for Grandmother. I remembered this when I was thinking about changing my online name and thought it had a poetic ring to it. Hallo and welcome to everyone, old and new
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot
Ah, now there is a tale to tell. I did begin it on another place, but it was so blooming long the post timed out My natural father was Canadian and he did have some First Nation blood, although not Cherokee. I must get around to a DNA test, as I only discovered my natural family in 1997 and a great deal was revealed which was very interesting and he was in the Canadian Services as a pilot, so impossible to trace as the Services closed ranks and files you have to jump through huge hoops to find your parent. This is because so many children were born during and after WW2 to Service personnel who eventually went back to their families, as my father did, and having half a million or so illegitimate children trying to contact them was deemed irresponsible. Maybe one day?
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot
I do agree Oma, I've had a fascination since childhood for Native Americans, without realising why! He was more likely to have been part Iroquois from that neck of the woods. He is where I get my darkish and quite oily skin from. Mind you, at least half Canadians and Americans do have some Native blood in them somewhere, so it's very common, for example, lovely Johnny Depp! Sometimes it goes back centuries, so I suspect I only have a trace, which a very expensive DNA test would resolve. My daughter would love me to do it, but I will have to win the lottery first!
Fascinating background Elisi...my GDs other gran seems to have a similar background too, as you say difficult to discover records etc.
Thanks for your help hopefully am up and running now !