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Welcome Nannie N'Ange
Good afternoon everyone, thank you Gemini for the invitation and welcome.
I am very much looking forward to joining in when I can between my shifts and Nanna duties.
So the big question is who am I? I am so very proud to say that Glamma Nanna is my dear darling Queen Bee, and I am "My Angie/My Angela as Mum would refer to me.
Thank you again everyone, feel very honoured to join you all 😘
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Nannie N'Ange, a huge big welcome from me. I'm really looking forward to have you join in with our news and chat about everything, but especially your gorgeous grand children. I already feel I know them from your dear Mum's posts and it will be great to keep up with what's happening in their lives, and yours, of course. x
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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