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Welcome Lizzie48!
Thanks Gemini, I shall introduce myself, I am originally from Yorkshire but have lived here in Holland almost 50 years. I have 2 sons and 2 grandchildren, 4 if I count the ones from my daughter in law, they are grown up now, mine are Charlotte, she is 13, almost 14 years old as she tells me and Madelief (Daisy) she is 10 years old. They are both in England this week as my son had to be in Leeds for his work so they have gone with him, daughter in law as well. Life is different here to in England, some things will seem strange to others!!!!
I have lipedema, wear support tights and sleeves, not so good in the heat but I do it. I like to cycle a lot, nice cycling here in Holland, cycle paths everywhere. I live in a village near Delft and between Rotterdam and The Hague, 15 minutes on the light rail so very handy.
My second husband died of pancreatic cancer almost 18 years and been on my own ever since, the grandchildren keep me occupied, I had them both 2 days a week until they started school , now I pick Madelief up from school somedays, if my son or daughter in law work at home she will cycle on her own to school and I am left to occupy myself.
I shall read some of the posts and get to know you all.
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Lizzie48 - a very big welcome from me.
It's always great to welcome new grannies and hear about their lives and, of course, their grandchildren.
I'm sure your girls bring you great joy despite your health problems, and I really admire you for your cycling. I've never been to Holland, but it always looks lovely and very clean in photos and films. It would be great to learn more about the way of life in Holland.
It must have been such an awful sadness to lose your husband to such a horrible disease.
I'm gran to 4 - two boys aged 14 1/2 and 16 come Sunday, who are brothers, and two girls aged 5 1/2 and nearly 9 who are sisters. I also look after the girls two days a week, although now they're both at school it's only after school plus holidays.
I hope you enjoy getting to know us all.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Thankyou, I do have an e bike for any distance, just the push bike for shopping etc. The cycle paths are really good, getting busier though with all the e bikes that are being sold at the moment.
Yes, it was sad to lose my husband so young, he was just 60 years old.
We are all busy looking after the grandchildren, I usually go away for a week with mine but this year we are just going on days, Charlotte doesn't want to be hanging around with me all the time and I can't let her go her own way so we are doing it this way, we did go to see the Lion King the musical a few months ago, I promised them we would go before it stopped so we did, it was amazing and that is from someone that isn't keen on musicals!!!!
Your grandchildren will keep you occupied, do they live close? Mine are in the next village which is 5 kms away so not far.
It is so hot here, 40 degrees today!!!! Cooler at the weekend or so they tell us. Hope to get to know you all, bye
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Well a very warm welcome from me too
I have 3 Grand children , 1 boy who is almost 15 from my Daughter , who is 46
A boy of 11 and a girl of 6 ( going on 16 )from my Son who is 38
We still have oldest GS after school twice a week but he plays Football a lot for a professional team ( Newcastle ) he was signed to Sunderland before that
My Husband has fought Lymphoma for 7 years , 2 years ago he received a bone marrow transplant from his brother and hes now very well .
My best friend who is also eldest GS's gran has Lymphedema in both legs , she has them wrapped twice a week and unable to walk now they are so swollen and painful. its awful for her and un comfy in this heat , So I know a bit how you feel .
Isnt it lovely having GC
Enjoy getting to know us all we are a very friendly mad bunch but any friend of the lovely Gem they are a friend to usIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Welcome from me too Lizzie.
We have 3 GC, one in Australia with our son and daughter in law. Other two are our daughters and are grown up now, GD is 24and travelling round Australia for a year, GS is just 21, has just completed a Digital,Marketing apprenticeship and is doing very well at work.
My husband has been fighting bowel cancer for nearly two years, sadly we have been told it is terminal so are living one day at a time, although so far he is keeping pretty well.
I have various crafty things I like to do, painting, knitting, sewing so that keeps me busy.
We had a lovely holiday in Holland many years ago, such a beautiful, clean country and everyone was very friendly.
I hope you enjoy getting to know us all. 💐🙂
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Welcome from me Lizzie. I am an ex-pat Jock who's been away from Scotland for 48 years.
I have just the one GS who is joining us tomorrow for a few days in Bratislava to visit his uncle who lives their. GS belongs to my DD who lives on the other side of London to us. Quite near Plant in fact.
We lived in Holland for two years and thoroughly enjoyed it. We went back last year using the new Eurostar service which was very good. Not so good coming back as we had to change in Brussels which was a bit of a nightmare.. I used to bike everywhere when we lived there.
My husband too, like Oma's, has a form of lymphoma which he's had for nearly 13 years. Luckily the medication he's on is keeping it at bay for which we're thankful.Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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How nice to get to know you all in this way! Oma, you must be proud of your GS playing for Newcastle, my nephew and family all live up in Northumberland, one of his sons works in Newcastle. Can't your friend with Lymphedema wear support tights, I have a combination but thought Lymphedema was just on one side, hope she is coping with the heat. Enfys, so sad about your husband, it is like waiting for something to happen knowing they are terminal, but, the doctors know a lot more now then they did years ago so there is hope!
Wee Granny, how lovely, visiting Brataslava, visited there once and loved it. where did you live in Holland? Everyone cycles for their shopping with the huge carrier bags!!! A friend of mine has lymphoma but is doing well at the moment, as we get older we get to hear such things!!!! Keep it with the grandchildren, they are always happy and enjoying what they do.
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Hi again Lizzie.
Take your time getting to know the forum.
A good place to start now you have introduced yourself is The Chatbox.
This is where we go most days just to say Hi and say a bit about what we are doing or have done that day.
Another good place is This and That.
It is for when you don't know where to post something. Often there is nowhere else and it stays in This and That. Other times admin will move it to a better place. There is no wrong place to post anything, so feel free“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Hi and welcome from me Lizzie48. I am the oldest member of the forum. I have daughter and son, DD has 4 children, 2 of each, my son and DIL have 2 boys. They are all grown up now and I am a Gt.GM. I live in Bucks, in an annex next to DD, SIL. and their bomerang children. I have visited Holland, lovely clean Country.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Originally posted by WeeGranny View PostLizzie, we lived in Wateringen. DS went to local Kleuterscol where he learned to speak Dutch like a native and DD went to the BSN. I miss the florists and plant nurseries and krentenbrod met spis!
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