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    Talking about Oma's OH's birthday present of a saw table has set me wondering if you've got a shed (or more than one) and if so, what do you use it for?

    Our back garden is a bit like Shed City! I've got a tiny shed down the far side of the house where I keep the lawn mower and tiller for the allotment, tubs of fertiliser etc.

    OH has a big shed (8 x 15', I think) where he does his wood turning. He's got lathes, sharpening machinery, a band saw and goodness knows what else in there, plus an air filtering kit and millions of tools. He must use them all, because he spends quite a lot of time there! He also has a small shed which he sneaked in under my radar to dry wood in!

    I've got a little summerhouse which I use in the summer for relaxing, and also painting, pyrography and any other messy craft work I do.

    The greenhouse (mine) doesn't count as a shed.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Daisy we have a huge double door shed too , our garden looks tiny but if you took that away it would be a fair bit bigger as there is also a 3ft gap down the side where I keep the bins ,
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      We have one very large solid concrete shed, it will hold all our garden tools, pots, etc. It also has DIY tool boxes, two ladders and in the winter we put the bistro set and my potting bench in there. When DS visits he has room for his bike and we have even been known to put the garden bench in there.
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        We have no wooden shed, but a garage which hasn't seen a car. Not in the 7 years we have lived here anyway.
        OH loves this place. She kitted it out with kitchen wall and base units she got from E bay or Freecycle. It is carpeted.It also contains the trailer. As her new car has no tow bar, we need to get rid of this. However all our recyling boxes and several other items are in this trailer.
        All the tools live in the garage, some toys, garden chairs - but not our sunlounger cushions, which are stored in the loft in winter. Stepladders, sweeping brushes, the steamer, the tumble dryer - all sorts!
        Attached to the back of the garage and entered by it's own door is a small concrete shed. In there are more kitchen wall units and a work top. Gardening things are kept in there, and hanging baskets over winter. The lawnmower and strimmer live here,. A fridge sized second freezer is in there too.
        Peg bag, 2 props, ladder, a bike (which no one rides) parasol for summer, more toys...... amazing what it does hold as it is small!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          It is amazing what you can get into even the smallest shed,my OHs man shed is only small compared to the others here but we have a Fridge/freezer/Small freezer/table with his tools stored underneath a couple of boxes we have not unpacked after house move,clothes airer/tumble dryer/2 x shopping trollies in case I decide to walk to the supermarket.Ladders/decorating table and paint pots/folded down dog cage and cat transporter.I x pink plastic box with baby toys for GGD when she comes to play.It s like a tardis really.
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Glamm your right , the stuff in ours is mind boggling ,
            B has lots of storage on the walls mainly the plastic stacking shoe boxes with flip down sides I used in my hall for shoe's and in the loo as recycle boxes ,
            Instead of throwing them out he reused them and its amazing what he can store in them ,
            He also has a long work bench with draw storage and a couple of those tool storage thing on wheels ,
            Leaf blower and hoover , cloths props , ladders ( several) , Decorating stuff , Spare wheel chair ( don't ask ) Lots of big electrical tools , now Saw stand , Garden chairs and table at the minute ,
            HE has even got this false ceiling thing in the eves to store wood he seems to collect to some day do something with ,
            To him its Aladins cave to me its a junk shop but keeps it all out of the house
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Daisy our shed I would class as small it contains a work surface to do his jobs whatever they are ? he keeps the lawn mower, garden furniture, tools, band saw, garden umbrella, garden tools and radio I don’t know what else as I don’t go in for obvious reasons 😀 The garage houses my car but we put our old kitchen in the garage when we got the new one, it’s full of tools decorating gear, step ladders Xmas decs, washing baskets , the kids bikes are fastened to the joists in the ceiling tumble drier and chest freezer , nothing In the loft . We are lucky our kitchen door goes straight into the garage so we don’t get wet 👍🏻


                Hubby loves his shed.In fact he's in there now.he's got a kettle and television in there,besides all his tools and whatsits.
                We have a double garage. One side is for the quad bike,the other side is for the car.
                Hung on one wall he has got ladders, hung on the other wall is gardening tools. Shelves at the front of the garage with boxes full of stuff.
                He made the garage roof so that he can store wood up there. If he sees a piece of wood antwhere,he has to have it.
                Joined onto the back porch,we have an outhouse. We have a freezer in there and loads of copper piping.
                The old kitchen units are in there, one cupboard for all his plumbing gear. junk to me in the others, but he says it isn't junk.
                Some stuff is stored in the greenhouse during the winter,but ha clears and cleans it in the spring.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post
                  Hubby loves his shed.In fact he's in there now.he's got a kettle and television in there,besides all his tools and whatsits.
                  We have a double garage. One side is for the quad bike,the other side is for the car.
                  Hung on one wall he has got ladders, hung on the other wall is gardening tools. Shelves at the front of the garage with boxes full of stuff.
                  He made the garage roof so that he can store wood up there. If he sees a piece of wood antwhere,he has to have it.
                  Joined onto the back porch,we have an outhouse. We have a freezer in there and loads of copper piping.
                  The old kitchen units are in there, one cupboard for all his plumbing gear. junk to me in the others, but he says it isn't junk.
                  Some stuff is stored in the greenhouse during the winter,but ha clears and cleans it in the spring.
                  Nan that’s some man shed don’t tell my OH !


                    My garage isn't attached to the house so not very convenient for keeping things you need to hand. Lots of tools in a chest of drawers, since OH died I have just ignored them, family raid it occasionally. The shed, again was OH's domain has lots of stuff, including digger, old tools and the ivy is creeping in. I have moved the good tools nearer to the house, some stored in the greenhouse. Fancy you having an empty loft Qwerty
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      We have lots of random bits of wood stored in the roof of our garage too.
                      The garage side door is only one step away from the kitchen door, but it's far enough when it's raining or very cold!!

                      We wish we had an empty loft!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        I had a shed on my allotment. I never locked it because as sure as eggs is eggs it would get broken in to. Never kept anything worth pinching in there but it didn't stop the local youth from breaking the window when all they had to do was open the door. 🙄
                        Here I have a half green house, half shed. It is mine!!! Entrance by appointment only, except for the foxes who keep digging under the front. (I’m waiting for someone to make a proper path) We have a chalet type shed for outside toys and storing outside furniture in the winter and OH has the garage. Only big enough for a Morris minor so all his gadgets and golf stuff live there. The workmen used it for their staff room so it has a sink, units, hot water etc. I have bagged a cupboard or two for overflow of tins, tea ,coffee etc. Honestly, you’d think by now we’d have no end of room but we keep on filling it up....
                        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                        Eleanor Roosevelt.


                          I can't even list what's in our garage, but it seems my OH isn't the only one who has put a false ceiling in to store wood, plus all sorts of other stuff. I've got a little tiny corner for the chest freezer, and a shelf where we keep jars of chutney, jam etc made from allotment produce, and a crate with potatoes, onions, garlic and shallots from the allotment. OH has actually got a car in there - or rather parts to make a car. It's a kit car and it's been there for years. It's almost finished, but not quite. I would really like to get a roadworthy car in there, like mine!

                          Every other nook and cranny is full of stuff, plus a workbench, the now famous Triton bench, tins of paint, boxes and boxes of screws etc, power tools, tool boxes, odd bits of furniture like a chair he's supposed to be renovating. There's the obligatory kitchen units, complete with sink and taps - I never realised so many other people had fitted garages!!

                          To be fair, OH is very handy and can make things and do most DIY tasks. I just wish we didn't have to keep so much junk though.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            We have a small shed which is painted purple. It has a shelf unit with all sorts of rubbish like screws etc. On it. Lots of my work stuff is stored in thee which I am going to ditch shortly and we are planning on getting a small freezer for it. The old shed which was taken down during the summer was listing to one side and I am sure it was only the junk in there that was holding it up. When he cleared it he inexplicably decided to keep the two bikes which haven’t been ridden since we moved here 17 years ago. He says they might come in handy and has put them in the garage.

                            The garage is entirely another matter. It is in a block at the side of our block of maisonettes. When we moved out of the house we did get rid of a lot of stuff but not enough and there are boxes in there which have been there since we moved. Lots of talk has been had about car boot sales etc. but still the garage remains carless and full. Husband does not do a lot of diy, I have to nag him for the slightest thing. The floor tiles in our kitchen sat for over a year (expensive ones too) in a box at the bottom of the stairs and every time I said to him about laying them he would tell me he was “on it”. He does have tools but he is not a great shed goer into.
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Well today OH and a wood turner friend have spent most of the day going between the shed and the garage, making a garden table out of a lump of tree trunk. OH has been putting holes into the top of the table, which is a lump of planed down tree trunk, while A, his friend, turned dowels for joining the top to the legs. I think it's going to be very rustic.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

