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Moving times for local library


    Moving times for local library

    I live in a large village, about 4 miles from the nearest town. I am a town girl at heart, but this village is so well equipped, and with a good bus route or straight drive into town that I can cope! After 6 years I feel part of the place, and to be honest don't know whether or not I would move back to town now, given the choice.

    Amongst all our other facilities we have a library. GD and I spent many hours there before she started school, going to the Under 5s Storytime, which was conveniently held on the day I looked after her. I have taken GS1 a few times too. Audio books are my mums lifeline. She watches some TV especially snooker, but it is audio books which are her main diversion as her eyesight isn't good enough to read. I reserve these online, collect them from the library and take them to mum.
    The staff are lovely, it is a pleasant place to be. Various groups and classes took place there during the week, and the 4 computers were in use more often than not.
    Volunteers had spent a lot of time tending the wasted garden space at the back, and planting bulbs at the front. It was looking lovely.
    Then suddenly last July it was condemned by the council and closed a week later. It was a 60's building, apparently now unsafe and too expensive to repair.

    I feared we would lose our lovely library, as town isn't that far, and 2 villages 2 or 3 miles away have branches. However ours was the most well used and popular branch and thankfully the council are committed to it re opening.
    It will be a long haul however. Since July it has been housed in a small room in a community centre. The long term plan is a lovely new library extension to the existing Victorian Memorial Hall in the centre of the village (not the one it is in at the moment). The plans look promising and the council has pledged a good deal of money for the library. The Memorial Hall needs to raise a lot more of it's own money before all these improvements, including the library, can go ahead, so fingers crossed.
    These plans will take 2 years to come to fruition. Until then we are to have a mobile library serving the village for 4 days a week.

    I joined the Friends of ***** Library as I want to help in any way I can. I have been to 2 meetings so far and the next is this Friday. I hope to find out when the mobile will be in operation. At the last meeting we were told it was bright orange and needed painting something a bit more sedate!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Good news Gem. I think it is such a shame when libraries close. I use ours a lot and it's always busy, they have so many different things going on, from children's reading groups, Family History to Knit and Natter! We also have an advice room as well, plus computers people can use for free so all in all it's a great facility. Good luck with the mobile library, at least you will see it coming
    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


      Gem - well done to your local council for recognising how important the library is to your community. Our nearest library is about 5 miles away, but parking is often difficult and I found I gradually used it less and less. The choice of books became rather uninspiring too - I'd read mot of them! This was before they had computers or so many other activities. Ordering books was slow too, and when I was studying it was easier and quicker to order through the university library. However they now have plenty of computers and are much more customer-friendly, and child friendly. My DIL2 takes the girls to their local one (a 3 minute drive away) most Saturdays and they have a huge choice of books which the girls love. Then they can go across the road to the playground which has just been refurbished and extended. It's a very popular library with families and hopefully will be there for many years to come.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Our local library was in danger of being closed but the community formed "Friends of P...... Library " and diligently raised funds to save it. A small village shop which was empty was turned into a very successful Charity Shop which raised a lot of money for the cause. We heard recently that the library is safe.


          As some of you know I have been secretary of the library friends group for a while now.
          The mobile bus works well and all is running. smoothly.
          However, the Memorial Hall, which was to incorporate our new library, has not raised sufficient funds for its part of it, so the scheme is off. We have suspected this for a while but had it confirmed today.
          Back to the drawing board for finding a new venue. The council is of course on to it, so we shall see if there is more news at next months meeting.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem - it must be very disappointing that the Memorial Hall can't house the library after all. It's hard to raise large chunks of money within a relatively small community.

            I hope another solution can be found.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              We had our local library closed and a new one built in the same spot for the same reasons, it’s an ok building going up it was a metal building with brickwork at the front, and a corrugated roof. Next door is our local council offices it housed social services, home help, rent and rates payments and twice a week a registrar came to register births and deaths, that has now shut and also moved into the library, it’s called a hub now . When you go in now it doesn’t feel like a library people are sat waiting to see their local councillor all have a number and are shouted in, plus everything that goes on with social services, it’s no longer the quiet place I took my kids and them my grandchildren seems a shame to me


                We still have an active library, not in the village, a mobile library visits once a week but we have a relitively new building a short drive or a longish walk away or 2 stops on the bus. It also as a nursery attached to it. It is a shame Gemini that the planned building is not going ahead.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  we have a mobile library in our village that comes every four weeks. We can choose as many books as we need and that suited me fine. Then in November I was very ill and went into hospital with pneumonia and kidney failure. I was in an induced coma for a week and in hospital for 21/2 weeks. Since coming out of hospital I have not been interested in picking up a book so have not visited my library for over a year. I have also lost my sense of smell and taste. Very strange!!!!


                    Oh Mama Mia, I had no idea you had been so ill 😒 Thank goodness you are back amonst us! I hope your sense of taste and snell return xx
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Our local library is a very old former school just on the edge of a smallish park and childrens play area,it is used for all manner of clubs etc and has a "hub" for helping people get their CVs off to prospective employers as well as helping people to start learning how to use computers.
                      On the first floor the reference library is housed and a large space is always used for voting purposes when there are elections,it is a bind getting up the stairs as there are no lifts but on the way up you are greeted by some very large portraits of former ship owners and other influential members of the area dating back a few hundred years (all the eyes seem to be looking at you) lol.
                      There was talk a few years ago about closing it but there was such a hew and cry that the council has to keep it open after visits from someone from the Government at the time.
                      Gems I do hope you find somewhere suitable soon as a library keeps a village together .
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Our library closed several years ago when the council were cutting services. However it was taken over by a band of volunteers and now operates independently of the council. We can still get books from the other county libraries and although they have a limited stock of books,it is an integral part of the community. It's housed in an old demountable classroom in the school grounds.
                        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                        Theodore Roosevelt.


                          Mamma mia - I'm so sorry to hear how poorly you've been. I'm sure your appetite for reading will come back, but after such a serious illness it takes a lot of time to get back to 'normal'. Take care of yourself. xx

                          Do you enjoy reading magazines or short stories?

                          Our mobile library was scrapped a couple of years ago. Apparently the cost to the Council of a customer visiting a mobile library was £11.44, but for the 'proper' libraries is was £2.23. I'm sure money didn't influence this decision though!!!!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Our mobile bus will run until we have proper library. It is there for 4 and a half days a week. In 3 different venues. Going to the library is not so simple nowadays . You have to work out where it is before setting off!!!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem - that's a much better service than we ever had. Our mobile library would come to the village once a month.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

