One of my main interests is Genealogy and I have done something I have been wanting to do for ages. I am awaiting the results of a DNA test which will tell me where my ancestors originated and my DNA make up. Some people in my family history group have done this and it's so interesting. We are hoping one of us will have some unusual results, we have one lady with viking ancestors and I really hope mine is not just Anglo Saxon. Who knows what I will find out.
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Genealogy DNA
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Enfys - that's really fascinating. I wonder if you will be in for a surprise? Viking ancestors would be interesting.
I'm thinking of getting our dog's DNA tested - everyone keeps asking what she is and I'm curious, plus it might come in handy to know from a health point of view."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I keep seeing the ad and am very tempted. Think I am pretty well all Celt but would be interesting to see what comes up. My mother said her family was traced back to a Spanish sailor shipwrecked off the Irish coast from the armada.
There was was a fascinating documentary where a number of people had totally unexpected results. Extreme NF lady who was found to have African blood only a generation or two back.xx
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How exciting I would love to know my ancestry from centuries ago,I would hope maybe we are from Nordic decent what with my blonde hair and pale skin tone even though the blonde is out of a bottle nowadays,my brother had the most glorious platinum curls and looking back on very early pics of the family so did a few of my uncles so you never know.and where we live was (before the estury was formed) there was a straight way through from Scotland/Northumberland to The Wirral so one never knows,those viking may be our ancesters as well as.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Shem - your ancestry sounds interesting. You grow up with these family 'stories' and wonder whether there is any truth in them, so it would be great to find out if you have got Spanish ancestors.
Glamm - your roots (ancestral ones, I mean) also sound fascinating.
I've only traced my immediate ancestors back to 1851 so far, and I'm sure they were all lovely people, but seem very rooted in their locations, all within the same area."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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An elderly lady I contacted whilst researching my fathers family was connected to me and she had traced our family to a Norman-French knight who came over with William the conqueror. There are still members of this family in Pembrokeshire together with a castle of,the same name. So I'm guessing that French will be part of my DNA. I have managed to get back to mid 1700's with the other branches but have still lots to find out. Keeps me out of mischief.
I'd be more than happy to help anyone if they would like to find out more about their families."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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