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    We may have had this chat before but I am finding my monthly magazines poor reading these days, I have bought Prima since it first came out and Essentials for many years but of late I am beginning to think it's no longer for my age group. It's all about how people have become entrepreneurs and advising on how to set up and run a business, the fashion pages are not for my age group and pretty expensive shoes at a cost of £150 , recipes all curries and pastas but as we get older are difficult to digest no old fashioned recipes , no fiction story or serials . Lots of losing weight by drinking coconut water and eating avacardos🙄
    What else is there to buy that would interest a 60 something lady is someone missing a niche in the market I ask!

    For many years when I was younger I subscribed to She magazine. I don't buy any regularly now, although have been known to buy one once in a while to browse through if I'm in a cafe on my own.
    They seem to be largely made up of adverts!
    It would be interesting to know which magazines any of our members read.
    As you say Qwerty maybe there is a gap in the market. GransRus Mag, perhaps
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      I stopped buying them a couple of years ago full of so called Celebrity gossip diets with unrealistic goals and pictures of people who only need to lose 2 lb at the most , I flick through old ones in the hospital while we there but apart from the crosswords I have no interest I think they not worth the money and your right Qwerty at our age we don't feature in the fashion world at all its only aimed at 18-25 and size 10 with a huge money fund to play with
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I buy yours magazine because I like the readers letters, household tips. I also get woman's weekly but looking for an alternative as they only have one reader's letter now and seem to be more interested in selling craft items and writing courses. Many of their articles now are about clothes that cost £100+ and beauty items that are £60+. Had a copy of my weekly last week and it seemed to have a bit more to read. DD2 spends a small fortune on glossy magazines that are full of advertisements.


          I used to be an avid magazine reader but cannot remember the last time I read one other than the Friday London Evening Standard magazine or the occasional time I go to Canary Wharf where they have their own magazine but mostly adverts for expensive shops and you know what I am like - cannot wait to spend so do not need signposting to the expensive places ............

          Q when we are in Barbados we are often offered rum with coconut water by our friends. The coconut water is sold in big plastic bottles at the side of the road for about tuppence ha'penny. Unfortunately it is a diuretic (not sure if that is spelt right) and frankly I need no assistance in that department so I tend to stick to gin and tonics.........
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            Like Gem I used to buy SHE regularly, in the '70s when I was first married, it was rather ...." racy" if that's the word, and I used to make sure I had enough money for my monthly copy and used to keep all the old copies to re-read! Eventually I just bought it occasionally till the mag ceased to exist. I then went on to good old Good Housekeeping, not as old fashioned as the title would suggest, till you realise that the articles repeat themselves and again I now only buy very occasionally. I also find that the internet has taken up a lot of my spare time previously spent reading.
            A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....


              I usually buy "Yours".It has quite a lot of content,fashion for mature ladies(not frumpy),competitions,puzzles,letters,tips and craft and knitting projects.If comes out every two weeks and is very reasonable at £1.49.


                I love reading magazines, but have never bought Prima and such like, it's all celebrity stuff. Like some of the other members I buy Yours every fortnight, I also like the weeklys such as Chat,Take a Break and Pick me Up.
                When we go on holiday I always take a load with me, like to read for a bit when we go to bed, and when we are sat having 10 minutes.It's surprising how many holidaymakers have said I wish I'd brought some magazines. Sometimes hubby will do the puzzles in them, when we have read them I always leave them for someone else to read.
                I have never bothered to look at American magazines when we have been there so don't know what they have, but the ones I take always get snapped up by them.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  I too enjoy a copy of Yours every now and again I used to always buy Woman or Womans Own but again they copied each others articles so a waste of money really I do read my You Magazine out of the Mail on Sunday there are some good articles most weeks and a good readers problem page and me being a nosy parker I do like to see what other people are up to.
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    I find magazines recycle the same old same old. The only one I have regularly is Good Housekeeping (on subscription as a present from a friend) and I save it until the month it's intended for. It annoys me that they always seem to be a couple of months in advance of the calendar. I quite like the 'I sorted out my life against all the odds' type of articles, and reading about women who have found the courage to do things they thought were impossible. I like to read the recipes, too, and wish I had the enthusiasm to actually try them. I find the fashion articles irritating - unless you're a size 10 you're going to look like a sack of potatoes in most of the outfits, and after years of struggling with sensitive dry skin, I'm not going to change my skin care routine to try any of the 'wonder' potions. But it's an easy pleasant read and I pick it up and put it down throughout the month.

                    I also get The Garden magazine which goes out to RHS members. It's a really useful fount of knowledge and I like reading up about new varieties of my favourite plants and the best way of cultivating them. I very rarely buy a magazine on impulse and when I do, I'm usually disappointed.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I don't bother much with mags these days either. I was given Good Housekeeping and Ideal home last week and I was very disappointed with the content. I agree with you Qwerty, someone is missing an opportunity somewhere.
                      I do enjoy a 'hobby' mag though, gardening and sewing etc.
                      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                      Eleanor Roosevelt.


                        The only one we purchase now is take a break, and then only in the hope we may win something. We do have a monthly gardening magazine which we both read cover to cover. But all magazines are ridicously over priced.
                        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                          I don't buy magazines - I read them at the hairdressers!
                          Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                            Well Yours seems to be popular on here I have never seen it must have a look

