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Do you bake?


    Do you bake?

    Many of us love the Great British Bake Off, I certainly do.
    Are you a regular baker, a once in while one, or do you never bake?

    When my children were small, I always made their birthday cakes, and at other times in the year made cakes, biscuits and jam tarts. Not every week, or even every month, but a few times a year. I have always made a Christmas cake and mince pies.
    Now I have phases of baking. I make apple cakes when we have lots of apples. I occasionally make batch of biscuits, or buns, or a fruit loaf. I am not a regular baker however.
    Partly because I would eat far too many if I made them!!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    I'm the same, the bake off, used to do loads of baking. It now we're on our own and with a type 1 diabetic DH my baking days are few and far between. He shouldn't really eat much cake so then I end up eating far more than is good for me . So I might do a special birthday cake if the family are coming round then it all goes.
    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


      I'm just the same Gem. No baking here as we woucld both eat it Occasionally I bake cup cakes with the GKs. They take them home! I don't watch Bake off as I am not really interested in cooking or baking as such. It's enough of a daily grind to feed ourselves as after years or a llifetime of cooking I find it is now a chore. I wish I could magic food from the ether, all rich in nutrients and proteins and that would be that! The nearest I can get is M&S ready meals
      Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


        I always make the children's birthday cakes. Husband started baking for he first time in his life when he had his knees done and he makes a fantastic raspberry and chocolate cake. I don't bake as much now as when I had a desk in an office. I used to find it very satisfactory but not so much now....
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          I forgot to add, that since the acquisition of my lovely bread maker earlier this year, I do regularly bake bread (cos it's so easy )
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I like to bake but not everyday cooking , I do even if I say so myself make lovely scones , I also like to make cakes and Barra Brith . I don't bake every week as like everyone else I would eat too much . When my children were young I Baked All The Time , I Made All The Family Birthday Cakes and when DD was married I did a sugar craft course to learn how to make all the flowers leaves and berries she wanted on her cake . I used to make bread every other day but then OH took over and he is much better at it than me
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              For years I used to bake every week - I never bought cake. I'd generally make a selection from sponge cake, fruit cake, flapjacks, ginger cake, fairy cakes, chocolate cake or rock buns. Buying cake seemed totally immoral, somehow! And I still think bought cakes never taste as good as homemade, but there's only the 2 of us and if it's there we eat it! Also, like Elisi, I've had to cook every day all my married life and I'm fed up with it. I want good healthy, nutritious food, preferably magicked in by the Good Food Fairy! So now I bake occasionally, when the mood takes me, but I do make bread in the bread maker - that falls into the category of 'good and nutritious' !
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I don't bake every week, but I do bake. Scones, coconut and cherry cake,lemon meringue pie, fruit pies,fruit cake to name a few. Eldest granddaughter loves anything with ginger in.A few weeks ago she asked, Nan, can we bake some brown thing. Turns out she meant parkin, she did quite well too, with a bit of help.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  I have never watched Bake Off (I must be the only person in the world to say this) and bake as a recreation often. Baking in my book is spelt "F U N". I love it. I freeze all cakes though as we don't eat cake every day. Currently I have golden syrup fairy cakes for the GC - second batch by request - Vicky Sponge which DH adores and an almond Madeira cake which is my favourite. I am feeling the need to make a Choc Cake this week. I have a friend who loves Choc Cake and I always cut part of it off before freezing and give to her.
                  Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                  Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                    I used to but not any more .
                    When I had all the family living with us I used to bake every weekend and sometimes in the week also.
                    I would bake a large batch of small cakes, scones and pastries and half of them I would freeze.
                    Christmas cake was baked in October, Christmas puds were also done. Dad grew shallots in his garden so I had the unenviable job of peeling the shallots , soaking them in brine and then pickling them.
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      I used to always have a full cake tin, my husband liked cake. Always made my own puddings, so much nicer. I do like baking but being on my own now, unless I can pass it to family there doesn't seem much point. I always make the mincemeat and pies but I don't make a Christmas cake any more, OH loved it, it used to last him some time, he loved it with a glass of port.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        I enjoy baking I make cakes most weeks,some I take into work which are always appreciated. The ones I make at home are generally sponges or hubby's favourite fruit cake. I didn't watch bake off this time round,not quite sure why.
                        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                          Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
                          I used to always have a full cake tin, my husband liked cake. Always made my own puddings, so much nicer. I do like baking but being on my own now, unless I can pass it to family there doesn't seem much point. I always make the mincemeat and pies but I don't make a Christmas cake any more, OH loved it, it used to last him some time, he loved it with a glass of port.
                          Yes Plant I know what you mean. Were it not for the GC (still coming to us a couple of times a week) eating cakes and DH who loves Vicky Sponge I would not be able to justify baking now. Even if friends call there is always the question of diet and many are trying to keep sugar to a minimum these days. I never make Christmas cake as no one in the family likes it. Same with mince pies and Christmas pudding - no takers. What everyone does like is sausage rolls though so I do make those. Fiddly but nicer than the shop ones.
                          Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                          Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                            I bake most weeks. I especially like baking on a wet winter's day, when I will spend the morning baking. I bake allsorts - but mainly cakes and cookies. I do all the Christmas stuff, cake, mince pies, but I usually buy the pudding (I don't really know why!!) I liked watching bake off, although I have to record it as I'm at Pilates on Wednesday evenings.
                            Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown

