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Adult Education
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I did art about 10 yrs ago haven't picked a brush up in years my DD has a arts degree so I thought I would have a go , I loved it and everyone in the class was so friendly . Did it for about 2 yrs then other things got in the way but I would say go for it , I also did sugar craft lessons and made all the flowers for DD wedding cake . Would love to have the time to do something elseIm not fat just 6ft too small
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I have joined the Art class again , I like the company and never bother on my own . I did several Photography classes and moved onto Digital photography , where I really learned to use the computer more than the camera ! Been to cookery courses , hasn't really helped much , but very enjoyable ............ I love adult learning classes , especially as they happen during the day
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I used to do them, until the funding stopped then they became far too expensive and also exam based. I did German conversation, needlework, various art classes....not all at once...and really enjoyed it. I then went to U3A for a few years. Now it's my craft group, genealogy group and TG instead. At least they are all inexpensive. Have to make the pension stretch!
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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I taught on several after i gave up the day job - usually IT courses - and it was great to see people who'd never so much as switched on a computer end up with a qualification and the confidence to use it on their cv!
But as Enfys says, the exam route isn't for everyone, but that was the access to the funding.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I did a degree course with OU, go to Art class ( privately run), T'ai Ch'i and Felting with Adult Education. You used to be able to get reduced fees if you were over a certain age, but not any more! But you can get them if you mucked around at school!Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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My mum was very proud to pass her English O Level when she was in her late 50sShe failed her 11+ and left secondary school at 14, with no qualifications. She went to an evening class (dad did winemaking on the same night so he could give her a lift) She was very proud of her pass, and loved the course.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Well, I've not had much luck yet in finding aa Art class. The local college ones are at times I can't do, and I tried to see what the local U3A offered, but their website wouldn't load. I'll have to keep searching! I treated myself to a couple of brushes, soft pencils and a very large tube of white acrylic today. I was shocked at the price of brushes and materials and am just off to negotiate a mortgage on my summerhouse!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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